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Food and Nutrition Board

FNB publications offer expertise and insights from a range of perspectives designed to spur thoughtful discussion. These publications include evidence-based consensus study reports of committees of experts; presentations from FNB members and other experts; and FNB Perspectives offered by individual experts.

Publications by the Food and Nutrition Board (listed by most recent release)

Viewing  51 - 60 of  244


Advancing Effective Obesity Communications: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief  (2019)


Innovations in the Food System: Exploring the Future of Food: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief  (2019)


A Health Equity Approach to Obesity Efforts: Proceedings of a Workshop  (2019)

Consensus Study Report

Dietary Reference Intakes for Sodium and Potassium  (2019)


Current Status and Response to the Global Obesity Pandemic: Proceedings of a Workshop  (2019)

Consensus Study Report

Implementing Strategies to Enhance Public Health Surveillance of Physical Activity in the United States  (2019)


Sustainable Diets, Food, and Nutrition: Proceedings of a Workshop  (2019)

Consensus Study Report

Science Breakthroughs to Advance Food and Agricultural Research by 2030  (2019)


Current Status and Response to the Global Obesity Pandemic: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief  (2019)


Understanding and Overcoming the Challenge of Obesity and Overweight in the Armed Forces: Proceedings of a Workshop  (2018)