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One Universe: At Home in the Cosmos


see solution

motion: TOC for Knowledge Concepts, Exercises, and Solutions

(a) From many measurements, we know that the average distance from Earth to the 
Moon is about 384,000 km, and that the diameter of the Moon is about 3,480 km.  
What angle does the Moon subtend in the sky?

(b) [only for those to did Exercise 4 above] If your measurement differs from this 
value, name three possible sources of error in
your measurement that might have contributed to the difference.
Identify these errors as random or systematic.

(c) From many measurements, we know that the average distance from Earth to the 
Sun is about 150,000,000 km, and that the diameter of the Sun is about 1,390,000 
km.  What angle does the Sun subtend in the sky?

(d) If the Moon moved directly in line between Earth and the Sun, how well would 
the Moon block the Sun?  What do you think would result?