National Academies Press: OpenBook

Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges (2011)

Chapter: A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions

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Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.


DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions

TABLE A.1 Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg Start and End Dates, Sites Drilled on Each Leg, and the Region Where Drilling Occurred.

Leg Start Date Knd Date Sites Region
1 20-Jul-68 23-Sep-68 1-7 Gulf of Mexico, western Atlantic, Bermuda Rise
2 1-Oct-68 24-Nov-68 8-12 North Atlantic Ocean
3 4-Dec-68 20-Jan-69 13-22 South Atlantic Ocean
4 27-Jan-69 21-Mar-69 23-31 Mid-Atlantic Ridge
5 12-Apr-69 5-Jun-69 32-43 Northeast Pacific Ocean
6 14-Jun-69 5-Aug-69 44-60 Mid-Oceanic Ridge
7 8-Aug-69 2-Oct-69 61-67 Western equatorial Pacific Ocean
8 10-Oct-69 27-Nov-69 68-75 East central equatorial Pacific Ocean
9 6-Dec-69 27-Jan-70 76-84 East Pacific Rise
10 13-Feb-70 5-Apr-70 85-97 Gulf of Mexico
11 8-Apr-70 1-Jun-70 98-110 Western North Atlantic Ocean
12 19-Jun-70 11-Aug-70 111-119 North Atlantic Ocean
13 13-Aug-70 6-Oct-70 120-134 The Mediterranean Ocean Basin
14 10-Oct-70 1-Dec-70 135-144 Continental margins off West Africa and South America
15 5-Dec-70 2-Feb-71 146-154 Caribbean Sea
16 2-Feb-71 30-Mar-71 155-163 Eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean
17 30-Mar-71 25-May-71 164-171 Central Pacific Ocean
18 29-May-71 20-Jul-71 172-182 Northeast Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Alaska
19 25-Jul-71 7-Sep-71 183-193 North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea
20 19-Sep-71 30-Oct-71 194-202 Western Pacific Ocean
21 9-Nov-71 11-Jan-72 203-210 Pacific east of Tonga Trench
22 21-Jan-72 4-Mar-72 211-218 Ninetyeast Ridge and eastern Indian Ocean
23 8-Mar-72 1-May-72 219-230 Arabian Sea and Red Sea
24 5-May-72 21-Jun-72 231-238 Gulf of Aden, Somali Basin, Central Indian Ridge
Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
Leg Start Date Knd Date Sites Region
25 28-Jun-72 22-Aug-72 239-249 Arabian Sea and Red Sea
26 6-Sep-72 30-Oct-72 250-258 Indian Ocean
27 1-Nov-72 9-Dec-72 259-263 Eastern Indian Ocean
28 20-Dec-72 19-Feb-73 264-274 South Pole/Antarctica, Ross Sea
29 2-Mar-73 18-Apr-73 275-284 Northern Antarctic, Subantarctic
30 24-Apr-73 13-Jun-73 285-289 Indian Ocean
31 13-Jun-73 4-Aug-73 290-302 West Philippine Basin and the Sea of Japan
32 16-Aug-73 10-Oct-73 303-313 Northwestern Pacific Ocean
33 2-Nov-73 17-Dec-73 314-318 Central Pacific Ocean
34 20-Dec-73 2-Feb-74 319-321 Nazca Plate
35 13-Feb-74 30-Mar-74 322-325 Antarctic waters, Southeast Pacific Basin
36 4-Apr-74 22-May-74 326-331 Antarctic water
37 May ’74 July ’74 332-335 Mid-Atlantic Ridge
38 29-Jul-74 26-Sep-74 336-352 Norwegian-Greenland Sea
39 6-Oct-74 17-Dec-74 353-359 Western South Atlantic Ocean
40 17-Dec-74 15-Feb-75 360-365 South Atlanic Ocean
41 17-Feb-75 10-Apr-75 366-370 Eastern central North Atlantic Ocean
42- Pt 1 4-Apr-75 21-May-75 371-378 Mediterranean Sea
42- Pt 2 21-May-75 11-Jun-75 379-381 Black Sea
43 13-Jun-75 12-Aug-75 382-387 Western North Atlantic Ocean
44 5-Aug-75 30-Sep-75 388-394 Western North Atlantic Ocean
45 30-Nov-75 20-Jan-76 395-396 Mid-Atlantic Ridge
46 28-Jan-76 19-Mar-76 396A-396B Mid-Atlantic Ridge
47- Pt 1 20-Mar-76 12-Apr-76 397 Eastern North Atlantic Ocean, Northwest African Margin
47- Pt 2 13-Apr-76 9-May-76 398 Western Iberian Continental Margin
48 12-May-76 13-Jul-76 399-406 Bay of Biscay, Rockall Plateau
49 18-Jul-76 4-Sep-76 407-414 North Atlantic Ocean
50 13-Sep-76 8-Nov-76 415-416 Central and North Atlantic Ocean
51 20-Nov-76 17-Jan-77 417 Western North Atlantic Ocean
52 22-Jan-77 8-Mar-77 417-418 Western North Atlantic Ocean
53 12-Mar-77 21-Apr-77 418 Western North Atlantic Ocean
54 30-Apr-77 18-Jun-77 419-429 East Pacific Rise
55 18-Jun-77 6-Sep-77 430-433 Hawaiian-Emperor chain
56 12-Sep-77 6-Oct-77 434-436 Japan Trench Transect
57 19-Oct-77 2-Dec-77 438-441 Japan Trench Transect
58 4-Dec-77 30-Jan-78 442-446 North Philippine Sea
59 3-Feb-78 15-May-78 447-451 West Philippine Sea and Mariana Trench
60 15-Mar-78 15-May-78 452-461 Philippine Sea, Mariana Trough
61 22-May-78 29-Jul-78 462 Nauru Basin, Western Equatorial Pacific
62 29-Jul-78 7-Sep-78 463-466 North central Pacific Ocean
63 9-Oct-78 26-Nov-78 467-473 Eastern North Pacific Ocean
64 2-Dec-78 8-Jan-79 474-480 Gulf of California
Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
Leg Start Date Knd Date Sites Region
65 24-Jan-79 12-Mar-79 482-485 Gulf of California, Esat Pacific Rise
66 18-Mar-79 2-May-79 486-493 Middle America Trench
67 16-May-79 23-Jun-79 494-500 Middle America Trench Transect
68 13-Aug-79 13-Sep-79 502-503 Western Caribbean Sea, Eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean
69 20-Sep-79 25-Oct-79 501, 504-505 Costa Rica Rift
70 11-Nov-79 1-Dec-79 504b, 506-510 Galapagos Spreading Center
71 15-Jan-80 13-Feb-80 511-514 South Atlantic Ocean, Falkland Plateau
72 29-Feb-80 4-Apr-80 515-518 Brazil Basin, Rio Grande Rise
73 13-Apr-80 1-Jun-80 519-524 South Atlantic Ocean
74 10-Jun-80 20-Jul-80 525-529 Walvis Ridge
75 27-Jul-80 25-Aug-80 530-532 Angola Basin, Walvis Ridge
76 13-Oct-80 9-Dec-80 533-534 Blake Outer Ridge, Blake-Bahama Basin
77 29-Dec-80 25-Jan-81 535-540 Southeastern Gulf of Mexico
78A 13-Feb-81 9-Mar-81 541-543 Barbados Ridge complex
78B 14-Mar-81 8-Apr-81 395 Mid-Atlantic Ridge
79 17-Apr-81 22-May-81 544-547 Mazagan Plateau
80 30-May-81 22-Jul-81 548-551 Goban Spur Region
81 27-Jul-81 21-Sep-81 552-555 Rockall Plateau
82 22-Sep-81 1-Nov-81 556-564 Central North Atlantic Ocean
83 22-Nov-81 2-Jan-82 504B Costa Rica Rift
84 10-Jan-82 26-Feb-82 565-570 Middle America Trench and Slope
85 19-Mar-82 24-Apr-82 571-575 Central Equatorial Pacific
86 16-May-82 13-Jun-82 576-581 Western North Pacific Ocean
87 28-Jun-82 16-Aug-82 582-584 Nankai Trough, Japan Trench
88 24-Aug-82 3-Sep-82 581 Northwest Pacific Basin
89 18-Oct-82 23-Nov-82 585-586 Western Pacific Ocean
90 3-Dec-82 7-Jan-83 587-594 Western Equatorial and Southwest Pacific Ocean
91 21-Jan-83 6-Feb-83 595-596 Southwest Pacific Basin
92 23-Feb-83 18-Apr-83 504B, 597-602 Southeast Pacific Ocean
93 4-May-83 17-Jun-83 603-605 Northwestern Atlantic Ocean
94 2-Jul-83 12-Aug-83 606-611 North Atlantic Ocean
95 25-Aug-83 22-Sep-83 612-613 New Jersey Transect, Continental slope and upper rise
96 29-Sep-83 8-Nov-83 614-624 Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico

SOURCE: Data from

Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.

TABLE A.2 Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg Start and End Dates, Sites Drilled on Each Leg, and the Region Where Drilling Occurred.

Leg Stan Dale End Dsate Sites Region
100 11-Jan-85 29-Jan-85 625 Gulf of Mexico
101 29-Jan-85 14-Mar-85 626-636 Bahamas
102 14-Mar-85 25-Apr-85 418 Bermuda Rise
103 25-Apr-85 19-Jun-85 637-641 Galicia Margin
104 19-Jun-85 23-Aug-85 642-644 Norwegian Sea
105 23-Aug-85 27-Oct-85 645-647 Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea
106 27-Oct-85 26-Dec-85 648-649 Mid-Atlantic Ridge
107 26-Dec-85 18-Feb-86 650-656 Tyrrhenian Sea
108 18-Feb-86 17-Apr-86 657-668 Eastern Tropical Atlantic
109 17-Apr-86 19-Jun-86 395, 648, 669-670 Mid-Atlantic Ridge
110 19-Jun-86 16-Aug-86 671-676 Northern Barbados Ridge
111 16-Aug-86 20-Oct-86 504, 677-678 Costa Rica Rift
112 20-Oct-86 25-Dec-86 679-688 Peru Continental Margin
113 25-Dec-86 11-Mar-87 689-697 Weddell Sea, Antarctica
114 11-Mar-87 13-May-87 698-704 Subantarctic South Atlantic
115 13-May-87 2-Jul-87 705-716 Mascarene Plateau
116 2-Jul-87 19-Aug-87 717-719 Distal Bengal Fan
117 19-Aug-87 18-Oct-87 720-731 Oman Margin
118 18-Oct-87 14-Dec-87 732-735 Southwest Indian Ridge
119 14-Dec-87 21-Feb-88 736-746 Kerguelen Plateau and Prydz Bay
120 21-Feb-88 30-Apr-88 747-751 Central Kerguelen Plateau
121 30-Apr-88 28-Jun-88 752-758 Broken Ridge and Ninetyeast Ridge
122 28-Jun-88 28-Aug-88 759-764 Exmouth Plateau
123 28-Aug-88 1-Nov-88 765-766 Argo Abyssal Plain and Exmouth Plateau
124 1-Nov-88 4-Jan-89 767-771 Celebes and Sulu Seas
124E 4-Jan-89 16-Feb-89 772-777 Philippine Sea/Engineering Tests
125 16-Feb-89 18-Apr-89 778-786 Bonin/Mariana Region
126 18-Apr-89 19-Jun-89 787-793 Izu-Bonin Arc-Trench System
127 19-Jun-89 21-Aug-89 794-797 Japan Sea
128 21-Aug-89 20-Nov-89 794, 798-799 Japan Sea
129 20-Nov-89 19-Jan-90 800-802 Old Pacific Crust/Pigafetta and Mariana Basins
130 19-Jan-90 27-Mar-90 803-807 Ontong Java Plateau
131 27-Mar-90 1-Jun-90 808 Nankai Trough
132 1-Jun-90 4-Aug-90 808-810 Western and central Pacific
133 4-Aug-90 11-Oct-90 811-826 Northeast Australian Margin
134 11-Oct-90 17-Dec-90 827-833 Vanuatu, New Hebrides
135 17-Dec-90 28-Feb-91 834-841 Lau Basin
136 28-Feb-91 20-Mar-91 842-843 Hawaiian Arch
137 20-Mar-91 1-May-91 504 Costa Rica Rift
138 1-May-91 4-Jul-91 844-854 Eastern equatorial Pacific
Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
Leg Stan Dale End Dsate Sites Region
139 4-Jul-91 11-Sep-91 855-858 Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge
140 11-Sep-91 12-Nov-91 504 Costa Rica Rift
141 12-Nov-91 12-Jan-92 859-863 Chile Triple Junction
142 12-Jan-92 18-Mar-92 864 East Pacific Rise/Engineering Tests
143 18-Mar-92 20-May-92 670, 865-870 Northwest Pacific Atolls and Guyots
144 20-May-92 20-Jul-92 800-801, 871-880 Northwest Pacific Atolls and Guyots
145 20-Jul-92 20-Sep-92 881-887 North Pacific Transect
146 20-Sep-92 22-Nov-92 888-893 Cascadia Margin
147 22-Nov-92 21-Jan-93 894-895 Hess Deep Rift Valley
148 21-Jan-93 10-Mar-93 504, 896 Costa Rica Rift
149 10-Mar-93 25-May-93 897-901 Iberia Abyssal Plain
150 25-May-93 24-Jul-93 902-906 New Jersey Sea-Level Transect
150X* Mar-93 Aug-93 Island Beach, Atlantic City New Jersey Coastal Plain
150X Suppl.* Mar-94 Apr-94 Cape May New Jersey Coastal Plain
151 24-Jul-93 24-Sep-93 907-913 North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways I
152 24-Sep-93 22-Nov-93 914-919 East Greenland Margin
153 22-Nov-93 24-Jan-94 920-924 Mid-Atlantic Ridge/Kane Fracture Zone
154 24-Jan-94 25-Mar-94 925-929 Ceara Rise
155 25-Mar-94 25-May-94 930-946 Amazon Deep-Sea Fan
156 24-May-94 24-Jul-94 947-949 Barbados Ridge Accretionary Prism
157 24-Jul-94 23-Sep-94 950-956 Gran Canaria and Madeira Abyssal Plain
158 23-Sep-94 22-Nov-94 957 TAG Hydrothermal Mound
159T 23-Dec-94 3-Jan-95 958 Eastern Canary Basin
159 3-Jan-95 2-Mar-95 959-962 Côte D’Ivoire- Ghana Transform Margin
160 7-Mar-95 3-May-95 963-973 Mediterranean Sea I
161 3-May-95 2-Jul-95 974-979 Mediterranean Sea II
162 7-Jul-95 3-Sep-95 907, 980-987 North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways II
163 3-Sep-95 7-Oct-95 988-990 Southeast Greenland Margin
163X* Aug-99 Sep-99 EG64-66, 68 Southeast Greenland Margin
164 31-Oct-95 19-Dec-95 991-997 Blake Ridge and Carolina Rise
165 21-Dec-95 17-Feb-96 998-1002 Caribbean Ocean History
166 20-Feb-96 10-Apr-96 1003-1009 Bahamas Transect
167 20-Apr-96 16-Jun-96 1010-1022 California Margin
168 16-Jun-96 15-Aug-96 1023-1032 Juan de Fuca Ridge
169S 15-Aug-96 20-Aug-96 1033-1034 Saanitch Inlet
169 21-Aug-96 16-Oct-96 856-858, 035-1038 Sedimented Ridges II (NE Pacific Ocean)
170 16-Oct-96 17-Dec-96 1039-1043 Costa Rica Accretionary Wedge
171A 17-Dec-96 8-Jan-97 1044-1048 Northern Barbados Accretionary Prism LWD
171B 8-Jan-97 14-Feb-97 1049-1053 Blake Nose Paleoceano- graphic Transect
172 14-Feb-97 15-Apr-97 1054-1064 Northwest Atlantic Sediment Drifts
Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
Leg Stan Dale End Dsate Sites Region
173 15-Apr-97 15-Jun-97 1065-1070 Return to Iberia
174A 15-Jun-97 19-Jul-97 1071-1073 Continuing the New Jersey Sea-Level Transect
174AX* Oct-96 Nov-96 Bass River New Jersey Coastal Plain
174AX Suppl.* Jul-98 Aug-98 Ancora New Jersey Coastal Plain
174AX Suppl.* Sep-99 Oct-99 Ocean View New Jersey Coastal Plain
174AX Suppl.* May-00 Jun-00 Bethany Beach New Jersey Coastal Plain
174AX Suppl.* Oct-01 Oct-01 Fort Mott New Jersey Coastal Plain
174AX Suppl.* May-02 Jun-02 Millville New Jersey Coastal Plain
174AX Suppl.* Sep-03 Nov-03 Sea Girt New Jersey Coastal Plain
174AX Suppl.* Sep-04 Oct-04 Cape May Zoo New Jersey Coastal Plain
174B 19-Jul-97 9-Aug-97 395, 1074 CORK Hole 395A (N Atlantic Ocean)
175 9-Aug-97 8-Oct-97 1075-1087 Benguela Current
176 8-Oct-97 9-Dec-97 735 Return to Hole 735B (Indian Ocean)
177 9-Dec-97 5-Feb-98 1088-1094 Southern Ocean Paleoceanography
178 5-Feb-98 9-Apr-98 1095-1103 Antarctic Glacial History and Sea-Level Change
179 9-Apr-98 7-Jun-98 1104-1107 Hammer Drilling and NERO (Indian Ocean)
180 7-Jun-98 11-Aug-98 1108-1118 Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
181 11-Aug-98 8-Oct-98 1119-1125 Southwest Pacific Gateways
182 8-Oct-98 7-Dec-98 1126-1134 Great Australian Bight Carbonates
183 7-Dec-98 11-Feb-99 1135-1142 Kerguelen Plateau-Broken Ridge
184 11-Feb-99 12-Apr-99 1143-1148 South China Sea
185 12-Apr-99 14-Jun-99 801, 1149 Izu-Mariana Margin
186 14-Jun-99 14-Aug-99 1150-1151 Western Pacific Geophysical Observatories
187 16-Nov-99 10-Jan-00 1152-1164 Australian- Antarctic Discordance
188 10-Jan-00 11-Mar-00 1165-1167 Prydz Bay-Cooperation Sea, Antarctica
189 11-Mar-00 6-May-00 1168-1172 Tasmanian Gateway
190 6-May-00 16-Jul-00 1173-1178 Nankai Trough Accretionary Prism
191 16-Jul-00 8-Sep-00 1179-1182 West Pacific ION Project/Hammer Drill Engineering
192 8-Sep-00 7-Nov-00 1183-1187 Basement Drilling on the Ontong Java Plateau
193 7-Nov-00 3-Jan-01 1188-1191 Manus Basin Hydrothermal System
194 3-Jan-01 2-Mar-01 1192-1199 Marion Plateu, Northeast Australia
195 2-Mar-01 2-May-01 1200-1202 Seafloor Observatories and the Kuroshio Current
196 2-May-01 1-Jul-01 808, 1173 Nankai Trough Accretionary Prism: LWD and ACORK
197 1-Jul-01 27-Aug-01 1203-1206 Hawaiian Hotspot Motion
198 27-Aug-01 23-Oct-01 1207-1214 Cretaceous-Paleogene Climate, Shatsky Rise
199 23-Oct-01 16-Dec-01 1215-1222 Paleogene equatorial Transect (Pacific Ocean)
200 16-Dec-01 27-Jan-02 1223-1224 Hawaii-2 Observatory and Nuuanu Landslide
201 27-Jan-02 29-Mar-02 1225-1231 Microbial communities, Eastern equatorial Pacific and Peru Margin
202 29-Mar-02 30-May-02 1232-1242 Southeast Pacific Paleoceano- graphic Transects
Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
Leg Stan Dale End Dsate Sites Region
203 30-May-02 7-Jul-02 1243 Equatorial Pacific Ion Multidisciplinary Observatory
204 7-Jul-02 2-Sep-02 1244-1252 Gas Hydrates (Cascadia Margin)
205 2-Sep-02 6-Nov-02 1253-1255 Costa Rica Continental Margin CORK
206 6-Nov-02 4-Jan-03 1256 Fast Spreading Crust (Guatemala Basin)
207 11-Jan-03 6-Mar-03 1257-1261 Demerara Rise (Central Atlantic)
208 6-Mar-03 6-May-03 1262-1267 Walvis Ridge (Southern Atlantic)
209 6-May-03 6-Jul-03 1268-1275 Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Central Atlantic)
210 6-Jul-03 6-Sep-03 1276-1277 Newfoundland Margin

NOTE: Sites marked with an asterisk (150X, 163X, and 174AX) were funded by organizations other than ODP.

SOURCE: Data from

Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.

TABLE A.3 Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition Start and End Dates, Sites Drilled on Each Expedition, and the Region Where Drilling Occurred.

Exp# Start Dale End Date Sites Region
301 27-Jun-D4 2l-Aug-04 UI30I. 1026 Juan de Euca Ridge
30IT 2l-Aug-04 25-Sep-04 1253-1255 Costa Rica Hydrogeology
303 25-Sep-04 I7-Nov-04 UI302-UI308 North Atlantic Ocean
304 I7-Nov-04 8-Jan-05 UI309-UI3II Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
305 8-Jan-05 2-Mar-05 UI309 Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
306 2-Mar-05 25-Apr-05 UI3I2-UI3I5 North Atlantic Ocean
307 25-Apr-05 30-May-05 UI3I6-UI3I8 Southwest Irish continental margin
308 30-May-05 8-Jul-05 UI3I9-UI324 Gulf of Mexico
309 8-Jul-05 28-Aug-05 1256 Eastern equatorial Pacific
311 28-Aug-05 28-Ocl-05 UI325-UI329 Cascadia Margin
312 28-Ocl-05 29-Dec-05 1256 Eastern equatorial Pacific
320 5-Mar-09 5-May-09 UI33I-UI336 Equatorial Pacific Ocean
321 5-May-09 23Jun-09 UI337-UI338 [equatorial Pacific Ocean
32 IT 23-Jun-09 5-Jul-09 UI30I Juan de Euca Ridge
323 5-Jul-09 4-Sep-09 UI339-UI345 Bering Sea
324 4-Sep-09 4-NOV-09 UI346-U1350 Shatsky Rise
317 4- Nov-10 4-Jan-10 UI35I-UI354 Canterbury Basin
318 4-Jan-10 8-Mar-10 UI355-UI36I Antarctic Wilkes I^and Margin
327 5-Jul-10 5-Sep-I0 UI362-UI363. UI301, 1027 Juan de Euca Ridge
328 5-Sep-I0 I9-Sep-I0 UI364 Cascadia Margin
329 9-Oct-IO 13-Dec-IO UI365-UI37I South Pacific Gyre
330 13-Dec-IO ll-Feb-ll UI372-UI377 Louisville Seamounts, Southwest Pacific Ocean
334 15-Mar-ll 13-Apr-ll UI378-UI38I Costa Rica margin
335 13-Apr-l) 3-Jun-ll 1256 Eastern equatorial Pacific
336 16-Sep-ll 17-Nov-ll 395. U1382 Mid-Atlantic Ridge

SOURCE: Data from

Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
Page 85
Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
Page 86
Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
Page 87
Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
Page 88
Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
Page 89
Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
Page 90
Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
Page 91
Suggested Citation:"A DSDP, ODP, and IODP Legs and Expeditions." National Research Council. 2011. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13232.
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Through direct exploration of the subseafloor, U.S.-supported scientific ocean drilling programs have significantly contributed to a broad range of scientific accomplishments in Earth science disciplines, shaping understanding of Earth systems and enabling new fields of inquiry. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges reviews the scientific accomplishments of U.S.-supported scientific ocean drilling over the past four decades. The book evaluates how the programs (Deep Sea Drilling Project [DSDP], 1968-1983, Ocean Drilling Program [ODP], 1984-2003, and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program [IODP], 2003-2013) have shaped understanding of Earth systems and Earth history and assessed the role of scientific ocean drilling in enabling new fields of inquiry. This book also assesses the potential for transformative discoveries for the next proposed phase of scientific ocean drilling, which is scheduled to run from 2013 to 2023.

The programs' technological innovations have played a strong role in these accomplishments. The science plan for the proposed 2013-2023 program presents a strong case for the continuation of scientific ocean drilling. Each of the plan's four themes identifies compelling challenges with potential for transformative science that could only be addressed through scientific ocean drilling, although some challenges appear to have greater potential than others. Prioritizing science plan challenges and integrating multiple objectives into single expeditions would help use resources more effectively, while encouraging technological innovations would continue to increase the potential for groundbreaking science.


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