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Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States

Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States: Continuity and Change

Downloadable Tables from Appendix P

Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States: Continuity and Change examines 3,634 programs in 41 fields at 274 institutions. The report contains data on a large number of variables for the individual programs and an analysis of various aspects of the 41 fields across different dimensions.

The data appear on individual programs in the appendixes of the report, and, as an aid to users of the report, some of the appendix tables are available in the Microsoft EXCEL 5.0 file format. The Excel 5.0 files are made available under Copyright 1995 by the National Academy of Sciences with All Rights Reserved. Permission to reprint or distribute these files must be coordinated with the National Academy Press permission request form. The data are being made available in the Excel 5.0 file format, as this was the format used to produce the tables in the appendixes of the printed book. Another format would have delayed the release of the data files.When you first download a table, the field name for the programs may not be visible, as it is part of the header in the EXCEL spreadsheet.

These data are provided as a supplement to the printed book and not as a substitute. The tables can be downloaded by accessing the appropriate appendixes, listed below, and then the tables within that appendix. Documentation describing the different variables can be found in the appendix keys in the printed book. Users of the data are encouraged to read the book, which provides information on how the data were collected and how some measures compare with others. The data are provided on the Internet for those who plan to enter data by hand from the book to perform special analyses.

A copy of the report can be ordered from the National Academy Press' Secure Bookstore or from the General Bookstore.