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Scientists and Human Rights in Syria

Appendix E
Scientists, Engineers and Health Professionals Recently Released

     This appendix lists 49 colleagues who were released in recent amnesties and provides information about their cases.  The information comes from Amnesty International, the Committees for the Defense of Democratic Fre edoms and Human Rights in Syria, Index on Censorship , Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, Middle East Studies Association, Physicians for Human Rights, and the National Academy of Sciences.



SALMAN 'ABDALLAH :  released December 1991; 62-year-old former member of National Command of Ba'ath Party; abducted by Syrian forces in Lebanon in April 1971 and detained at al-Mezze Military Prison for 20 years, together with 17 others who served or were closel y connected to the previous government (1966-1970)


MUHAMMAD 'ALI AJJAJ :  released December 1991; arrested in 1980 in Hama following 1-day national strike

ABDUL AL-HADI AKHRAS :  released December 1991; civil engineer arrested in 1980 in Aleppo following 1-day national strike; held in 'Adra Civil Prison; adopted as prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International

NAHED BADAUYYA :  released November 1991; 35-year-old civil engineer; arrested in Damascus in September 1987 for suspected involvement in prohibited Party for Communist Action; held in Douma Prison

'ABD AL-KARIM BARAKAT :  released December 1991; 43-years-old; arrested in May 1980 in Idlib following 1-day national strike

RIAD AL-BASTATI :  released December 1991; civil engineer and former Secretary-General of Damascus Branch of Syrian Engineers' Association; arrested in 1980 in Damascus following 1-day national strike; held in 'Adra Civil Prison; adopted as prisoner of conscien ce by Amnesty International

'ADIL BITAR :  reportedly released 1991; arrested in 1980 in Damascus following 1-day national strike (release not confirmed)

SAHAR AL-BUNNI :  released December 1991; 35-year-old civil engineer from Hama; arrested in 1987; married to topographer, Mustafa Khalifa,who was arrested in 1982 for suspected involvement in prohibited Party for Communist Action; held in Douma Prison (see Appendix B )

MOUSSA DALATI :  released 1991; maritime mechanical engineer from Hama; reportedly arrested in 1982 for suspected membership in prohibited Democratic Ba'ath Party

JABER DIB :  released 1991; agronomy engineer; arrested in 1983 in Latakiyya for suspected membership in prohibited Democratic Ba'ath Party

NIZAR DIB :  released 1990; arrested in 1982 in Latakiyya for suspected membership in prohibited Democratic Ba'ath Party

ABDELRAHIM DMERIYYA :  released December 16, 1991; 40-year-old former assistant in Department of Civil Engineering, University of Damascus; arrested in 1986 for suspected involvement in prohibited Nasserist Popular Organization

BASSAM GHAITH :  released 1991; 30-year-old civil engineer; arrested in Yabrud on September 8, 1987, for suspected involvement in prohibited Communist Party Political Bureau; held in Saidnaya Prison

YOUSSEF GHAITH :  released December 16, 1991; 29-years-old; arrested in April 1990 in Yabrud after antigovernment slogans were found written on town walls; under suspicion because brother, Bassam, was arrested and imprisoned (see above )

RAA'FAT GHANEM :  released 1992; electrical engineer from Tartus; reportedly arrested in 1982 for suspected membership in prohibited Democratic Ba'ath Party  

SAMIR HADDAD :  released December 1991; 35-year-old civil engineer; arrested on April 5, 1990 in Yabrud after antigovernment slogans were found written on town walls; suspected of being member of prohibited Communist Party Political Bureau; reportedly tortur ed and then hospitalized for kidney failure and respiratory arrest

MAY AL-HAFEZ :  released December 1991; 37-year-old former lecturer at Faculty of Engineering, Aleppo University; arrested in fall of 1987 in Aleppo for suspected membership in prohibited Party for Communist Action; previously detained from August 27 to Octo ber 2, 1991; adopted as prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International

SALTI AL-HAWCH :  released December 1991; petroleum engineer from Der'a; arrested in 1983 for suspected membership in prohibited Democratic Ba'ath Party; held in Tadmur Military Prison until 1987 and then in Saidnaya Prison

MUNIRA HUEJEH :  released November 1991; 35-year-old civil engineer from Salaieh; arrested in December 1987; married to civil engineer, Moudar al-Jundi, who was arrested in 1987 for suspected involvement in prohibited Party for Communist Action and subsequent ly disappeared; held in Douma Prison (see Appendix D )

'AIDA (ADIDEH) KA'DAN :  released 1991; female engineer; arrested in 1980 in Aleppo following 1-day national strike

JALAL KHANJI :  released December 25, 1991; 42-year-old former lecturer at University of Aleppo; arrested in 1980 in Aleppo following 1-day national strike; member of Central Committee of Syrian Engineers' Association; detained in 'Adra Civil Prison; adopted as prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International

GHASSAN KHOURI :  released December 16, 1991; 34-year-old assistant in Department of Architecture, University of Damascus; arrested in l987 or 1988; held at Saidnaya Prison

HUSSEIN MADHKHANA ;  released December 14, 1991; civil engineer; arrested in 1986 for suspected membership in prohibited Nasserist political party

MUHAMMAD AL-MAHMOUD :  released December 15, 1991; 41-year-old agronomy engineer; arrested in September 1987 for suspected involvement in prohibited Party for Communist Action; held in Saidnaya Prison

JIHAD MSOUTI :  released fall 1991; 44-year-old former assistant professor of mechanical and electrical engineering, University of Damascus; arrested in March 1980 following 1-day national strike; held in 'Adra Civil Prison

GHASSAN NAJJAR :  released December 20, 1991; 54-year-old mechanical engineer and former lecturer at University of Aleppo; arrested in March 1980 in Aleppo following 1-day national strike; held at 'Adra Civil Prison; adopted as prisoner of conscience by Amnest y International

SAMIR NU'AYSA :  released May 1992; civil engineer; arrested on January 18, 1992, and sentenced to 3 years' imprisonment for withholding information from security forces about his brother, Aktham, an active CDF lawyer; released after 5 months in prison

HIND QAHWAJI :  released December 1991; 36-year-old agricultural engineer from Tal al-Nin; arrested in March 1984 for the second time for belonging to prohibited Party for Communist Action; reportedly tortured; adopted as prisoner of conscience by Amnesty In ternational; held in Douma Prison

'ALI AL-RIFA'I :  released 1991; 42-year-old agricultural engineer; reportedly arrested in 1981 in Dar'a for suspected membership in prohibited Arab Socialist Unity Party, a Nasserite political group; reportedly held in Dar'a Prison

MUHAMMAD NABIL SALIM :  released December 14, 1991; 52-year-old former professor of soil mechanics and head of Department of Civil Engineering, Aleppo University; arrested in March 1980 in Aleppo following 1-day national strike; detained at 'Adra Civil Prison; adopt ed as prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International

MAMOUN AL-SAWAH :  released December 12, 1991; 59-year-old electrical engineer; former manager of Swiss company in Damascus; arrested on April 21, 1980, in Damascus following 1-day national strike; held in 'Adra Civil Prison; adopted as prisoner of conscience b y Amnesty International

FADIA SHALISH :  released November 1991; 35-year-old mechanical engineer from Tartus; arrested on February 15, 1988, for suspected involvement in prohibited Party for Communist Action; held in Douma Prison

ABDELRAZZAK SHEIKH SOLEIMAN :  released 1991; 35-year-old mechanical engineer; arrested in 1988 for suspected involvement in prohibited Communist Party Political Bureau; reportedly held in Saidnaya Prison


'ADEL 'ABBUD :  released December 1991; 34-year-old veterinarian from Deir al-Zor; arrested February 25, 1989, for suspected involvement in prohibited Communist Party Political Bureau; adopted as prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International; reportedly he ld in Saidnaya Prison

YASER AL-ALI :  released December 14, 1991; 33-years-old; from Jableh; reportedly arrested in July 1983 for suspected membership in prohibited Communist Party Political Bureau; reportedly held in 'Adra Civil Prison

NOUR AL-DIN AL-ATASSI :  released August 28, 1992; 64-year-old surgeon and former prime minister of Syria; arrested on November 13, 1970, together with other government officials following coup that brought Assad to power; held in al-Mezze Military Prison for 22 year s; suffered heart attack in April 1992 and was hospitalized; was allowed to leave Syria following his release and died of cancer at American Hospital in Paris on December 3, 1992

SAMIR Al-'ASHUR Al-'ASKAR I:  released 1991; 31-year-old dermatology intern; reportedly arrested in 1983 for suspected membership in prohibited Party for Communist Action; believed to have been held in Aleppo prison

MUHAMMAD NIZAR AL-DAQR :  released 1991; former professor of dermatology; arrested in 1980 in Damascus following 1-day national strike; reportedly held in Tadmur Military Prison

MAHMOUD AL-ERIAN :  released December 14, 1991; 42-year-old gynecologist; arrested in September 1986 in Idlib; accused of belonging to prohibited "Nasserite organization of Syria"; detained in Saidnaya Prison; reportedly nearly paralyzed and in need of surgery during period in detention

AYHAM HADDAD :  released December 1991; 30-year-old general practitioner; arrested in 1988 in Damascus for suspected membership in prohibited Democratic Ba'ath Party; reportedly tortured; detained in 'Adra Civil Prison

GHASSAN MUSTAFA AL-HAJ :  released December 1991; arrested in 1980 in Idlib following 1-day national strike

MUWAFFAQ HILALI :  released December 1991; 34-years-old; arrested on September 14, 1987, in Saidnaya for suspected membership in prohibited Communist Party Political Bureau; reportedly tortured; adopted as prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International

MAHMUD AL-JAZIRI :  released fall 1991; former professor of surgery at Faculty of Medicine, Damascus University; arrested in 1980 following 1-day national strike

BASSAM KHATTAB :  released December 1991; 40-years-old; from Tibat al-Imam; arrested in May 1983 for suspected membership in prohibited Communist Party Political Bureau; reportedly tortured and detained in Saidnaya Prison; adopted as prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International

HAROUN AL-KHAYR :  released December 1991; 44-year-old former assistant at Faculty of Dentistry, Tishrin University; arrested in l987

GEORGES NAKHLEH :  released December 17, 1991; 42-years-old; arrested in July 1983 in Yabrud for suspected involvement in prohibited Communist Party Political Bureau; held at Saidnaya Prison

'AYISHA QUTAISH :  released 1988 or 1991; female general practitioner; arrested in 1980 in Aleppo following 1-day national strike

'ABD AL-AZIZ AL-SALIH :  released December 1991; arrested in 1980 in Deir al-Zor following 1-day national strike

'ABD AL-RA'UF 'UBAID :  released 1991; former professor of neurology at Faculty of Medicine, University of Aleppo; arrested in 1980 in Idlib

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