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Help with AcademyScope

What is AcademyScope?

AcademyScope is a visualization of all of the reports that are available on, allowing you to browse through the reports of the National Academies by topic area and seeing relationships between titles.

How do I use AcademyScope?

The short answer is: browse around!

The right side of the page lists out all of the primary topics of books at Clicking on any of those topics will show the subtopics of that topic, rendered as globes that are sized by the number of topics in each. 

In each subtopic, you'll see all of the reports in that subtopic, and if you click "Show Publications by Year" in the lower left corner, that will show a bar chart displaying the number of books published in that subtopic for each year for the last 20 years. The lines between the report covers indicate topic relationships. Clicking on a book cover will give you a short description of that book, with links to purchase, read online, or download.

One fun feature: when you're looking at the top downloads view, you can see when someone downloads a PDF in real time. The cover will get bigger and you'll see the number of downloads change. 

What browser do I need for AcademyScope?

AcademyScope can be used with any modern desktop browser: the most recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer. If you're not using the most recent versions, or if you're on a tablet, you may experience difficulties. AcademyScope does not work on mobile devices.