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(This exercise is a continuation of Exercise 2.)

(a) How large a Doppler shift would the distant astronomer observe on a spectral 
line of hydrogen coming from the Sun, if its rest wavelength is 656.3 nanometers?
Use the velocity calculated in Exercise 2, part (b) above.

(b) A super-high-resolution astronomical spectrograph can detect Doppler shifts 
with an accuracy of delta(lambda)/(lambda) = 1 part per million (that is, 
0.000001).  Would such a spectrograph be sensitive enough to detect the motion
of the Sun-Jupiter system from the perspective of a distant astronomer?

(c) If Jupiter's mass were ten times greater than it actually is, would it be
easier or harder to detect the velocity of the center of mass that Jupiter causes?

(d) If Jupiter's mass were ten times greater than it actually is, PLUS it were
only one AU away from the Sun rather than 5.2 AU, would it be easier or harder
to detect the velocity of the center of mass that Jupiter causes?