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Frontiers | Pages 180-181 | (back to unlinked version)

It consists of particles that carry the four forces among the basic units of matter. Like waiters flitting from kitchen to table in an excellent restaurant, the force-carrying particles External Link: A brief explanation of what this means. do their jobs without our really noticing them. We know about photons External Link: Learn about the conception of the photon, and a little more about what they are., which ferry electromagnetic forces from place to place. The other force-carrying particles External Link: A brief explanation of what this means. stay mostly hidden from view.

The various building blocks of matter combine to create hundreds of composite particles. You've heard of two of these--protons External Link: Learn more about the proton and its place in atomic structure. and neutrons External Link: Learn more about neutrons and their discovery.. It's less likely that you're aware of pions, kaons External Link: Learn more about the kaon particle., and omegas External Link: Learn more about the omega-minus particle.. Not to worry; the standard model External Link: Learn more about the Standard Model. has everything under control. It tells us how all particles arise and how they interact, just as surely as we can glean the properties of a chemical element by glancing at the periodic table. Physicists are as comfortable with the standard model External Link: Learn more about the Standard Model. as chemists are with their table of neat rows and columns.

However, there's a major difference between the periodic table and the standard model External Link: Learn more about the Standard Model.. The quantum mechanical behavior of electrons within atoms tells us why the periodic table looks the way it does. Its patterns are the direct results of how electrons act when atoms approach one another. the standard model External Link: Learn more about the Standard Model., on the other hand, lacks such a tangible foundation. Instead, it prompts questions that physicists cannot yet answer. For example, why are there three families of matter External Link: A visual organization of the families of matter and their role in the standard model.? Why aren't there two or four? What dictates the mass of each particle? A proton's mass External Link: Learn more about protons. is (continued)

Reconstructing the Early Universe

In mammoth particle accelerators, beams of particles such as protons External Link: Learn more about the proton and its place in atomic structure. and antiprotons collide at nearly the speed of light, bursting into showers of quarks Internal Link:  , electrons, neutrinos External Link: Learn more about neutrinos, the ''little neutral ones'' of the universe., and other subatomic particles. These experiments probe the nature of matter and energy and aid in the quest to unify the fundamental forces of nature.

A circular course 1.3 miles across marks the enormous underground Tevatron accelerator at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago.

A circular course 1.3 miles across marks the enormous underground Tevatron accelerator at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago.

1.67 x 10­27 kilograms--that's 270 trillion trillion protons External Link: Learn more about the proton and its place in atomic structure. per pound. An electron is about 1,835 times less massive. The standard model External Link: Learn more about the Standard Model. is full of numbers like these, but no one knows exactly why the values are what they are.

One major answer may come in the form of a hypothetical particle with a slightly comical name: the Higgs boson External Link: A brief explanation of what the proposed Higgs boson is.. This force-carrying particle would create a field that permeates the universe, much like magnetic or gravitational fields. Flecks of matter would acquire their masses by experiencing this field to different degrees. Imagine wading through three pools filled respectively with air, water, and molasses. You'd "feel" light, then heavier, then heavier still as the substances dragged on you. The Higgs field External Link: A detailed explanation of ''mass,'' and how the proposed Higgs field plays a part. works in a similar way. Fleeting neutrinos External Link: Learn more about neutrinos, the ''little neutral ones'' of the universe. would interact with the field not at all or just barely, electrons a bit more, and quarks Internal Link:   considerably more strongly.

Physicists are racing to find the Higgs boson External Link: A brief explanation of what the proposed Higgs boson is. within the blasts of particles Internal Link:   created in their colliders. If they detect it, the standard model External Link: Learn more about the Standard Model. will become an ever more powerful tool for understanding how matter assumes its many forms in the universe.

Despite the successes of the standard model External Link: Learn more about the Standard Model., nearly all physicists agree that it will be subsumed by a more fundamental theory of how the cosmos ticks. Rules of physics beyond the model's tight confines should illuminate other enduring mysteries. One of these is why matter exists at all. The Big Bang Internal Link:   theory predicts that the fury of the (continued)

Engineers fine-tune the Brookhaven National Laboratory's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in New York. Engineers fine-tune the Brookhaven National Laboratory's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in New York. Two rings of powerful superconducting magnets guide particles in opposite directions, culminating in collisions that yield new particles and states of matter. In one experiment, colliding gold nuclei momentarily create densities equivalent to that of the Earth if it were squeezed into a 30-foot cube. In the process, researchers hope to observe the creation of the quark­gluon plasma that may have existed moments after the Big Bang Internal Link:  , long before matter formed into individual atoms.