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energy: TOC for Knowledge Concepts, Exercises, and Solutions

When one ton of dynamite explodes, about one billion Joules (10^9 J) of energy
are released.

(a) The mass of a typical snowflake is about 3 milligrams.  If the mass of a
snowflake were converted completely into energy, how many tons of exploding
dynamite would equal this energy release?
(b) The masses of common U. S. coins are listed below.  (1 kg = 1000 grams)

penny:    2.509 grams
nickel:   4.995 grams
dime:     2.263 grams
quarter:  5.706 grams

If one of each kind of coin above were suddenly converted completely into
energy, how many tons of exploding dynamite would equal this energy release?

(c) Using the answers to Exercise 6 above, estimate the number of exploding 
atomic bombs to equal the amount of energy release in Part (b).