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Panel V: Roundtable Discussion
Pages 124-134

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 124...
... For example, when expenses that are investments in new business processes are listed as G&A, the distortion confuses both investors and policy makers. He suggested that some of the major questions raised during the symposium could be answered if the historical record contained appropriate accounting procedures.
From page 125...
... , and shows up as G&A expenses. In corporate reports $100 million spent on parties for company employees looks the same as $100 million spent inventing new business processes to make the company more efficient.
From page 126...
... He concluded by suggesting that one of the great unrealized possibilities for the New Economy is to find useful drivers for areas where normal business motivations do not apply.
From page 127...
... and that his usual response is that he doesn't know, because it is so difficult to separate Internet effects from other effects. The department measures information technology, he said, but the workshop participants had agreed that technology accounts for only a part of the total economic effect.
From page 128...
... Packaged software is more easily measured, both in terms of nominal value and price but may not be as important to productivity. He said the department has made advances in measuring real output of semiconductors, computers, and telecommunication equipment, but has had less success in measuring the output of information-technology-intensive activities, such as business services, education, and financial services.
From page 129...
... The convergence of HTML, HTTP, and TCP/IP created an infrastructure that "allowed interesting things to happen." Looking ahead, certain infrastructure issues in the United States are worrisome, especially in regard to the wireless infrastructure. He said that the projects at the leading edge of wireless mobile technology are being done in places like Helsinki, Tokyo, and Tel Aviv.
From page 130...
... In Europe and Japan, landlines are metered. There was no economic incentive to use wireless links for Internet access or routine telephony in the United States, where the marginal cost of such usage is essentially free.
From page 131...
... He referred to the prediction that information technology promises dramatic improvement in drug discovery for the pharmaceutical industry. "What does the realization of this potential require within the industry?
From page 132...
... If CEOs do not find new applications useful, he asked, would they continue to make these information technology investments at the same level? Ideally there is some alignment between the trajectory of R&D investments and their usefulness in business applications.
From page 133...
... He said that he had personally found the meeting highly informative in both the areas of technology and economics. He reiterated the importance of better understanding the concept of the New Economy and of devising improved ways to measure its activities.

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