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Appendix A: Experienced Well-Being Questions and Modules from Existing Surveys
Pages 137-152

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 137...
... HWB-12, a set of 12 questions to assess hedonic well-being, which was developed by Jacqui Smith and Arthur Stone and included in the 2012 administration of the Health and Retirement Study. These examples are meant to illustrate question wording and the scope of SWB modules; they are far from comprehensive.
From page 138...
... All were answered on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "not at all" and 10 is "completely." ExWB QUESTIONS FROM THE ENGLISH LONGITUDINAL SURVEY OF AGEING What day of the week was it yesterday?
From page 139...
... How much time did you spend watching TV yesterday? For example, if you spent one and a half hours, enter 1 for the hours and 30 for the minutes.
From page 140...
... How much time did you spend working or volunteering yesterday? For example, if you spent nine and a half hours, enter 9 for the hours and 30 for the minutes.
From page 141...
... How much time did spend traveling or commuting yesterday? Hours___ Minutes___ How did you feel when you were traveling or commuting yesterday?
From page 142...
... Rate each feeling on a scale from 0 (did not experience at all) to 6 (the feeling was extremely strong)
From page 143...
... Yes ☐ No ☐ Did you experience enjoyment during a lot of the day yesterday? Yes ☐ No ☐ Did you experience happiness during a lot of the day yesterday?
From page 144...
... Yes ☐ No ☐ Additional module: Did you experience enthusiasm during a lot of the day yesterday?
From page 145...
... Yes, just a normal day  ☐ No, my day included unusual bad (stressful) things  ☐ No, my day included unusual good things  ☐
From page 146...
... How much time did you spend watching TV yesterday? For example, if you spent one and a half hours, enter 1 for the hours and 30 for the minutes.
From page 147...
... Good, now I have questions about your experiences yesterday.
From page 148...
... 148 SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING [Randomize order of emotions] Yesterday, did you feel happy?
From page 149...
... How much time did you spend watching TV yesterday? For example, if you spent one and a half hours, enter 1 for the hours and 30 for the minutes.
From page 150...
... How much time did you spend walking or exercising yesterday? For example, if you spent 30 minutes, enter 0 for the hours box and 30 for the minutes.
From page 151...
... Rate each feeling on a scale from 0 (did not experience at all) to 6 (the feeling was extremely strong)

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