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Currently Skimming:

Pages 16-18

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 16...
... . improve understanding of the possible health risks, economic effects, and value judgments that must be considered when formulating power-frequency magnetic field policy or regulation; improve understanding of how economic costs related to power-frequency magnetic field concerns are affecting citizens, utilities, manufacturers, and other interested parties; · analyze the potential effects of EMF concerns on the safety, availability, reliability, and costs of electric power and electrical equipment; develop and evaluate various regulatory and policy instruments that could be implemented; These instruments may differ depending on the power-frequency magnetic field sources, exposures, and potential health impacts; involve the various interested parties in activities related to EMF policy analysis so that individuals or groups can gain an appreciation of trade-offs inherent in various decisions and policies; Comments from interested parties will also assist policy makers in identifying, evaluating, and formulating policy choices; develop potential frameworks, including guidelines, criteria, and computer simulations, to assist regulatory bodies in making logical, responsible decisions; and ensure that policy research and analysis encompass a broad range of options to account for regulatory and related policy decisions that are made at various levels.
From page 17...
... To complete an estimate of the indirect costs associated with these direct costs, we assumed an average indirect cost rate of 38°/O. The engineering and other external activities were conducted under contracts, which include direct and indirect costs in the total amount.
From page 18...
... However, given the shortened time available (4 yr instead of 5 yr) , the less-than-requested funding support ($41 million instead of $65 million)

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