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Appendix D: NIH Program Planning Process
Pages 164-181

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From page 164...
... , third, within the mark for the President's budget request set by OMB, and fourth, within the final appropriation amounts set by Congress and signed into law by the President. In this process, proposals for new programs, such as extramural research centers, well up from program staff, advisory groups of scientific and medical experts and members of the public, professional and scientific organizations, voluntary health associations (VHAs)
From page 165...
... All the plans identify areas of promising research in which advances would help achieve each goal, but only some discuss possible programs or mechanisms, such as new center programs, as possible program initiatives. For example, the strategic plan of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
From page 166...
... Several new center programs were proposed in bypass budgets, including the In Vivo Cellular and Molecular Imaging Centers, Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers, and Centers of Excellence in Cancer Communications Research, all supported by P50 center grants. "Building the nation's cancer research capacity" is a goal in the latest plan, in which the expansion of the P30 cancer centers, Specialized Programs of Research Excellence, and other P50 centers of excellence would play a major role (NCI, 2002)
From page 167...
... for such centers was issued later in 2002, to be supported by U54 cooperative agreements, along with an RFA for Cooperative Centers for Translational Research on Human Immunology and Biodefense, to be supported by U19 cooperative agreements or R21 exploratory/developmental research project grants. ANNUAL PROGRAM PLANNING AND BUDGETING PROCESS The institutes begin to plan two years before the fiscal year begins, because NIH has to send a preliminary budget to the Secretary of Health and Human Services each June for the fiscal year beginning nearly 16 months later.
From page 168...
... At their fall meeting, the NIAID national advisory council is provided an overview of the concepts and ideas discussed at the Summer Policy Retreat and asked for input, as are the council's subcommittees for the three extramural program divisions. After the Winter Policy Review, the divisions submit fully developed proposals for their high-priority initiatives, and the director of NIAID selects the initiatives that will be in the institute's budget submission.
From page 169...
... Increasingly, trans-NIH and interagency coordinating committees are established to oversee the development of multiinstitute initiatives, including the center programs for autism, muscular dystrophy, neuroinformatics, and Parkinson's disease research. More recently, trans-NIH working groups and task forces, including extramural researchers and representatives of VHAs as well as NIH staff, have been appointed to provide advice, for example, on implementation of the Parkinson's disease research agenda and development of initiatives in muscular dystrophy research.
From page 170...
... When the budget becomes law, there are three reports -- the House report, Senate report, and report of the conference committee negotiated between the House and Senate on the final appropriations bill -- and any directives in the report of one committee remain in effect unless contradicted in the report of the other subcommittee or the conference committee report. Although report language does not have the force of law, NIH tries hard to comply, because they have to appear before the appropriations subcommittees every year for funding.
From page 171...
... The House report generally urges an institute or the NIH director to "enhance" research in an area "through all available mechanisms, as appropriate, including establishing centers of excellence;" "commends" the institute for supporting existing centers; or "encourages" establishment or expansion of center programs. The Senate report also commends and encourages use of centers but also uses somewhat stronger language ("The Committee strongly supports the creation of new interdisciplinary centers to focus on...")
From page 172...
... For example, the Senate subcommittee strongly urged establishment of at least three centers for muscular dystrophy research and encouraged the institute "to provide sufficient funds for this purpose." The subcommittee called for the establishment of the three fragile X centers authorized by the Children's Health Act of 2000 and strongly urged NICHD "to allocate sufficient funds for that purpose." Regarding autism, the subcommittee said it wished to see "meaningful implementation of the new Centers of Excellence in Autism Research mandated in the Children's Health Act of 2000" and urged the NIH director "to allocate sufficient resources" to advance research on autism spectrum disorders (U.S. Congress, 2001b)
From page 173...
... . Each institute involves its council in the annual program planning and budgeting process and strategic planning exercises in some way.
From page 174...
... NCI has also convened a series of Progress Review Groups to assess the state of science concerning a particular type of cancer, develop a research agenda, and recommend high-priority programs needed to make progress in addressing the disease. Some have recommended center programs.
From page 175...
... Many workshop reports are posted on institute websites and are referred to in program descriptions and in PAs, RFAs, and RFPs. Workshop reports were involved in the genesis of several recent center programs, for example, Centers of Excellence in Chemical and Library Development, Centers for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, and Centers of Excellence in Complex Biomedical Systems Research, and Autism Centers of Excellence.8 Ongoing Interactions with Constituency Groups Each institute's director and extramural program heads meet regularly with representatives of VHAs, patient advocacy groups, and scientific and medical associations.
From page 176...
... PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES NIH implements new center programs by publishing invitations to apply for funding in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, which is published daily. The invitation can be in several forms.
From page 177...
... In most cases, this is done by the national advisory council as an integral part of the annual program planning and budgeting process within an institute. In this way, approval of a new center program is fulfilled by review and approval of the concept paper for a PA, RFA, or RFP.
From page 178...
... The background discussion section says: "Research centers provide a special opportunity to bring together the resources necessary for the rigorous scientific investigation of CAM [Complementary and Alternative Medicine] ." The section on purpose reads: "The purpose of this initiative is to promote innovative, high quality, multidisciplinary basic research through clinical research in the area of complementary and alternative medicine.
From page 179...
... , which was established to advise on extramural programs. It is linked to the institute planning process by membership of the BSA chairman on the Bypass Budget Planning Committee.
From page 180...
... Also, from time to time, a center program is changed substantially or discontinued entirely, although in the latter case, it is usually replaced by a new center program. Recent examples include changes in the NHLBI Specialized Centers of Research program, symbolized by a name change to Specialized Centers of Clinically Oriented Research; discontinuation of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Multipurpose Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases Centers, replaced by Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Centers for Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases; and a change from supporting Population Research Centers with a P30 center core grant or a P50 specialized center grant to supporting their research infrastructure with the R24 resource-related research project grant.
From page 181...
... S 1536, Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill, 2002.

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