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Appendix B: Workshop Speaker Biosketches
Pages 20-28

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From page 20...
... He is the former Senior Vice President for Research and Director of the National Opinion Research Center, was the Tiffany ant! Margaret Blake Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago and was a member of the Department of Psychology and also the Harris Gracluate School of Public Policy Studies.
From page 21...
... He was a member of the National Education Commission on Time and Learning. He has written extensively in the education and public policy areas and has been published in numerous scholarly and technical publications, including Education Week, Kappan, The College Board Review, The American School Board Journal, The Washington Post, The Baltimore Sun, and the Los Angeles Times.
From page 22...
... He is a member of the National Academy of Education, a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and the American Psychological Association, an elected member of the Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology, anct was a visiting fellow of the Russell Sage Foundation. He is currently a member of the U.S.
From page 23...
... Dr. Klahr is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, a Charter Fellow of the American Psychological Society, a member of the Society for Research in Child Development, the Cognitive Science Society, and on the Governing Bo arc!
From page 24...
... His work includes a multiple-imputation approach for integrating sampling and test-theoretic models in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) , a Bayesian inference network for updating the student model in an intelligent tutoring system, and a framework for monitoring and improving portfolio assessment evaluation.
From page 25...
... Some of his recent evaluation studies include a four-year study of technology use in Indiana elementary schools anct homes, an evaluation of Chicago school reform, an assessment of how well Towa's preschool programs prepare children for kindergarten and evaluations of technology use for the state of Virginia and for the MiamiDade School District. He has publisher!
From page 26...
... She is active on a number of Federal intergovernmental committees related to science and research and is the USDA representative to many science-related groups outside the Federal government. She actively participates in the science education of young children by giving presentations on insects to local elementary schools where she is known as the "Bug Doctor." Steven M
From page 27...
... He is former chairman and secretary of the evidence section of the Association of American Law Schools. He was a Fellow of Law and Humanities at Harvard University and a Senior Max Rheinstein Fellow at the University of Munich.
From page 28...
... eight books and edited or co-eclited another eight volumes. His most recent book, History and Educational Policymaking was published by Yale University Press and he has a forthcoming book, Revitalizing Federal Education Research, which the University of Michigan Press will be publishing in 200 ~ .

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