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Appendix F Biographical Sketches of Committee Members
Pages 210-218

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From page 210...
... from 1985 to 1986 He also serv as NSF's A on m 6. ved Assistant Dirrector responsible for Biolog gical Sciences, one of seven NSF research directorates.
From page 211...
... Heitman has served as a faculty member in international faculty development projects on responsible science in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as Malaysia and Indonesia. She recently chaired the National Academy of Sciences Committee on the Elaboration of a National Curriculum in Bioethics and Responsible Conduct of Science for Algeria, advising the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education.
From page 212...
... Drawing on the highly interdisciplinary field of Science, Technology, and Society (STS) , he engages various qualitative research methodologies to ask questions about how policymakers and members of the public interface with controversial science.
From page 213...
... Dr. Higgs' research interests are mosquito-virus-vertebrate interactions, and is an expert in vector biology, arthropodborne infectious diseases, immune modulation and vaccine evaluation.
From page 214...
... She received the first Recognition Award in Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology from the Entomological Society of America in 1997, the G.J. Mendel Honorary Medal for Merit in the Biological Sciences from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in 1998, and the Vollum Award from Reed College in 2011.
From page 215...
... ; UK Department of Health Emerging Science and Bioethics Advisory Committee; Board of Directors, Roslin Foundation; Scottish Science Advisory Council; Scientific and Technical Council of the International Risk Governance Council, Geneva.
From page 216...
... Travis studies local adaptations and how multiple ecological forces combine to generate different pressures of natural selection in different locations. His current research is focused on the evolution of life history and ecological interactions in populations of Trinidadian guppies, divergence in the responses of the molecular stress network in populations of least killifish, and indirect genetic effects among genotypes of male mosquitofish.
From page 217...
... Mr. Winickoff served as a Working Group member on a Royal Academy project on geoengineering, and sits on a number of bioethics advisory boards around the United States.

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