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Currently Skimming:

Pages 299-307

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 299...
... narticularIv telephony, mobile, satellite and so forth. Now, the network service providers, as ~ am sure you know, have some very serious challenges.
From page 300...
... Economic storage and management of the Internet usage data is a severe problem. Of course, they want the information right away and, of course, it has to scale.
From page 301...
... At least, that is very common in the service providers. It is a fraction of the actual traffic, but as a fraction, it stays about the same.
From page 302...
... It is these three things together here, encapsulator, rule engine, and a distributed data store. In a large installation, you can have scores to hundreds of these, and the whole idea is putting a lot of intelligence right un close to the source of this high speed streaming data.
From page 303...
... So, the service provider knows it is a legitimate describer, as well as the usage information coming from the router itself. What we call them is normalized metered events.
From page 304...
... So, you can parallel them, going to different applications, or you can put them into sort of sequential themes for more sophisticated rule processing. So, the work that ~ have been doing has developed what ~ call capture models.
From page 305...
... These terms mean different things, but in the service provider industry, fraud and theft are different. Theft is when they are losing money.
From page 306...
... So, some of the paradigm shifts that ~ find are challenging when ~ talk to service providers is really, the knee jerk reaction is, oh, ~ want to store everything, and it is just prohibitively expensive. T find that T have to be a business consultant and not just a technologist when talking to people.
From page 307...
... ~ would say most of our -- in fact, our current cleployment that we are working on is a very large sized service provider in Canada.

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