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Currently Skimming:

Pages 317-321

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 317...
... Specifically, the committee defined research in the hydrologic sciences as the development of understanding about (1) the paths along Hydrology the science concerned with the waters (solid, liquid, and vapor)
From page 318...
... This information is generally unavailable and unknown to the scientific community. The agencies were not asked for project details, but instead were asked to attempt to classify their efforts to the extent possible according to the eight contemporary categories of the hydrologic sciences adopted by the committee (e.g., earth crust, climatic processes, living communities, and so on)
From page 319...
... A more exhaustive search may have produced a slightly larger total. Discussions with the federal representatives also indicated that they had difficulty in accurately partitioning the research funds that they managed into the eight categories of the hydrologic sciences adopted by the committee.
From page 320...
... . 1vmg Communities 7 Chemical Processes 8 Additional Topics .

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