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Currently Skimming:

Pages 74-78

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 74...
... While the crash types will differ, details of the use of all three of these "knowneffectiveness procedures" are provided in Section IV on "Roadway Segment Programs." Thus, the basic steps in Procedure 3 presented below will be appropriate for all four of the special vehicle types covered in this section. The data will differ, but the basic procedure will remain the same.
From page 75...
... Note that the total crash cost calculated using these severity-based figures may not be as accurate for motorcycle Population Type Variable Crash Database Subfile Drivers of Heavy Trucks Vehicle Type Motor Vehicle Body Type Category Commercial Motor Vehicle Configuration Commercial Cargo Body Type Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Motorcycle Operators Vehicle Type Motor Vehicle Body Type Category Vehicle Vehicle Exhibit IX-1. Crash variables and subfile location by population type.
From page 76...
... Exhibit IX-3. Crash cost by crash severity and posted speed limit.
From page 77...
... With respect to strategies related to protective equipment, it will be difficult to identify crashes where more protective or more reflective clothing might be needed, but will be much easier to identify crashes in which the motorcycle operator was not wearing a protective helmet. In order to analyze the possible benefit of those truck or motorcycle strategies targeted to specific crash types or user subpopulations, crashes involving only the applicable subpopulations can be identified using variables in the table above (e.g., motorcycle operators not licensed to operate a motorcycle)
From page 78...
... link crashes to routes and search for the locations of "clusters" of target crashes for possible treatment, or (2) use a network screening program similar to that described under Procedure 2A to identify 1-mile sections with the highest crash frequency or total crash cost.

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