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6. Discussion and Recommendations
Pages 90-94

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From page 90...
... Until the funding of PACE and other basic-science microgravity programs is substantially increased, few if any new projects can be started. Even with funding available to bring these experiments to readiness for flight, the 90
From page 91...
... At present, the task group is reasonably confident that the noise or jitter requirements can be met at all frequencies above ~ Hz by combinations of careful noise control and properly designed molation tables. The steady state acceleration requirements are not as easy to meet.
From page 92...
... 3. The microgravity program should include strategies to attract outstanding scientists into the program with the expectation of research successes in a reasonable time frame.
From page 93...
... In this way, the process of interplay between scientific discoveries and new commercial applications can proceed in a timely fashion.

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