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Memorial Tributes Volume 10 (2002) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Otto H. Schmitt
Pages 200-205

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From page 201...
... degree in physics and zoology in 1937. He was a National Research Council Fellow and Sir Halley Stewart Fellow at the University College in London during 1938 and 1939.
From page 202...
... Herman was actively involved in a multisociety group responsible for planning the first interdisciplinary annual conferences concerned with engineering in medicine and biology. The annual conferences had started three years earlier and were primarily oriented toward x-ray technology and medical physics concerned with ionizing radiation.
From page 203...
... It is an excellent example -of "bionumetics," a term that Otto coined for a field that applies biological design principles to engineering. His work in the wellknown laboratory of Bernhard Katz in London and his participation in the Cold Spring Harbor Symposia brought Otto in early contact with many reacting electrophysiologists.
From page 204...
... When an understandable statement emerged, it was almost invariably a solid idea. Otto frequently offered ideas to others to develop.
From page 205...
... It is best illustrated by a topical list indicated by his publications, his biography, and our personal experience: Nerve impulse mechanisms, tridimensional oscilloscopic displays, bivalent computers; biological tissue impedance analyses; electronic circuitry; direct current transformers; trigger circuits; electronic plethysmography; antenna radiation pattern measurements; stereovector-electrocardiography; phase space displays; bioastronautics; electromagneto-biology; technical optimization of biomedical communication and control systems, Santosh Index for quality of life, strand epidemiology, personally portable whole life medical history, and biomimetic science and technology. Otto was widely recognized for his outstanding achievements.

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