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Pages 58-60

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From page 58...
... 58 C H a P T E R 6 This chapter presents the research team's suggestions for future research to build on the infor­ mation and insights gained through the current investigations. The suggestions include scopes of work and estimated costs for research in the field and laboratory, as well as further modeling tool development and application.
From page 59...
... Work Plan for Future Research 59 Suggested field research consists of biofilm surveys and the collection of water quality sam­ ples, as follows: • Biofilm surveys should be conducted at three monitoring locations in two receiving streams during the deicing season. Surveys should be conducted at each site every other week over two 5­week monitoring periods: one in the late fall/early deicing season and one in the early spring/late deicing season, for a total of six biofilm surveys at each site.
From page 60...
... 60 understanding microbial Biofilms in Receiving Waters Impacted by airport Deicing activities how the experiments were conducted, the results of the data analysis, and the conclusions drawn. Suggestions for further research should be included, as appropriate.

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