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Currently Skimming:

Development of the Assessment Tool
Pages 6-8

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 6...
... The team has expended substantial energy consulting with the intended CCAM users, including Monroe county, its municipalities, and the concerned public, through extensive interviews and public meetings. Although these efforts helped generate a list of topics of concern (included in the contractor's User Needs Assessment Report, Dames and Moore, 2000b)
From page 7...
... externally mandated thresholds, such as federal water-quality standards, state hurricane evacuation clearance times, or legal requirements of the federal Endangered Species Act; 2. thresholds for environmental parameters which if exceeded would pose a significant threat to the long-term survival of individual species or biological communities in the Keys ecosystems, based on the best professional judgment of technical experts; 3.
From page 8...
... For some simple, well-def~ned parameters, such as coliform levels in recreational waters, a simple green/red, or okay/not okay scale may be sufficient, if not very informative. Most parameters, however, would be better presented on some kind of ordinal scale with many levels, depending on the range of variation of the parameter and the levels at which significant biological or quality-of-life impacts might occur.

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