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Appendix A: List of Report Recommendations
Pages 15-18

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From page 15...
... RECOM:MENDATION 2: Research should be pursued to identify how neurons are damaged in MS, how tries damage can be prevented, and how oligodendrocytes and astrocytes are involved in damage and repair processes. ~ RECOMMENDATION 3: The genes that underlie genetic susceptibility to MS shoed be I identified, because genetic information offers such a powerful tool to elucidate fundamental disease processes; and prognosis, and to develop new th;erape~ic ppproaches.
From page 16...
... RECOMMENDATION 11: Better strategies shoed be developed to extract the maximum possible scientific value from MS clinical ~trials. Quality ~~ RECOMMENDATION 12: Health status assessment methods for people with MS should be further developed and validated to increase the reliability and popover: of clinical trials and to improve individual patient care.
From page 17...
... RECOMMENDATION 16: Programs to~increase research efficiency shore developed, including colIaborations~to enable expensive large-scale projects (for example, clinical trials, genome screens~3 and to organize collection of scarce resources (for example, human tissues. R:ECOMMENDATION IS: To protect against investing research resources on Wise leads, there~should~be an: organizational structure to promote efficient testing of new claims for MS pathogens and disease markers.

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