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5. Findings and Recommendations
Pages 32-35

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From page 32...
... If not, the Army should determine the additional tests required to confirm a disposal process. A plan based on these results should also be developed for handling and disposing of all secondary wastes from processing the Pueblo stockpile, including demilitarization protective ensemble suits and hoses, spent carbon filter materials, scrubber brine solutions, plant cleaning wastes, and dunnage.
From page 33...
... The machines proposed for accessing agent in the modified baseline process differ from the multipurpose demilitarization machines used for this purpose at JACADS. The method proposed for accessing mustard agent should open the munition cavity sufficiently to enable complete destruction of the agent in the metal parts furnace.
From page 34...
... Secondary wastes, which include contaminated dunnage, DPE suits, spent decontamination solution, and contaminated spent carbon, were treated at JACADS using a combination of furnaces and afterburners, or a micronizer and a burner system for spent carbon. Uncontaminated dunnage and spent carbon, slag, and ash were shipped off site to permitted waste disposal facilities after being tested to ensure they were suitable for shipment.
From page 35...
... Army officials responsible for the Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program, in close coordination with the commander of the Pueblo Chemical Depot and other local Army representatives, should strive to maintain and improve open communications with the public, the Citizens Advisory Commission, and interest groups. A Review of the Army's Public Affairs Efforts in Support of the Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program may be used for guidance.

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