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IV. Criteria for Proposal Selection
Pages 11-13

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From page 11...
... Useful research could also compare the relative success of transitions in economies that have adopted rapid versus gradual programs of reform. Comparative analysis could focus on such critical economic underpinnings of political stability as consumer welfare, food production or unemployment statistics, or on He feedbacks that determine whether nstitudonal changes persist.
From page 12...
... The research addresses fundamental issues relating to the nature, speed, direction and magnitude of change in historically planned economies. Studies that seem likely to and shed light and generate empirical data on the following patterns of behavior would qualify under this common: a: -- Behaviors that have a potentially high impact on larger economic trends such as pnvatizabon or marketization.
From page 13...
... The research helps develop theoretical tools and empirically based indicators that will facilitate future studies of economic transitions in general and thereby allow for more accurate predictions of long term economic developments in HPEs in particular. The research program should be characterized by methodological pluralism.

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