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Currently Skimming:

II. Conceptual Framework
Pages 3-6

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 3...
... Ongoing efforts to improve policy analysis and to offer technical assistance will be greatly enhanced by developing a systematic and coherent research agenda that increases Western understanding of transition processes within HPEs. The parcel considers that the most fundamental issue confronting both government analysts and academic researchers over the near term is the need to accurately conceptualize the transition process and to understand its dynamics.
From page 4...
... The panel suggested Hat one way to monitor and assess He transition in HPEs would be to focus research on key institutional changes and to trace the impact of these changes on the redistribution of wealth and the creation of new wealth. The research should specify how selected institutional changes influence the redistribution or creation of wealth, probe the effect of the change on the efficiency and equity of the operation of the institution, and identify the feedback between the original change and the behavioral responses of economic actors within the system to that change.
From page 5...
... But that information is endogenous to-the-system in that the-extent and kind of information-made available depends directly on the incentives within the socio-economic system either for deliberate distortion or objective reporting. One indicator, therefore, of movement toward a new system would be the extent to which incentives for accurate reporting were instituted and found to be operational.
From page 6...
... The fourth-directs attention to questions of industrial-distribution such as between state, cooperative, and private enterprises, while the fifth focuses on fiscal federalism and raises issues of political power. -The final category involves such issues as capital flight, foreign investment, and the impact of exchange rates.

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