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Currently Skimming:

1 Introduction
Pages 9-15

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From page 9...
... operations in other countries (Makris 1994~;JP-8 is produced from jet fuel A and jet fuel A-1, which are used in commercial aircraft and are readily available throughout the world (Makris 1994; USAF 1996; Chevron 2000~; it has a higher flash point than several other jet fuels used by the military (such as wide-cut jet fuels, which are mixtures of gasoline and kerosene) and is therefore less flammable and less likely to ignite accidentally (Zeiger and Smith 1998~; and it has a lower vapor pressure than wide-cut jet fuels, so less fuel is lost to evaporation (Makris 1994~.
From page 10...
... The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) recently proposed a Threshold Limit Value for kerosene and jet fuels (as a total hydrocarbon vapor)
From page 11...
... In light of those data, the U.S. Air Force asked the NRC to review the toxicologic, epidemiologic, and other relevant data onJP-8 vapors and aerosols to assess the scientific basis of the interim PEL of 350 mg/m3 proposed by DOD, identify data gaps, and make recommendations for future research relevant to deriving the PEL.
From page 12...
... The hydrocarbon portion of jet fuels is made from low-sulfur or desulfurized distillate kerosene streams, usually blended with cracked or hydrocracked heavier streams to produce a fuel that meets specific performance specifications. JP-8 is an extremely complex mixture with specif~cations established for boiling point, sulfur (maximal percentage, 0.3%)
From page 13...
... 1, jet kerosene, turbo fuel A, straight-run kerose ne, distillate fuel oil-light, MIL-T-83133B, AVTUR, NATO F-34 8008-20-6 (kerosene) /70892-10-3 (fuel oil 1)
From page 14...
... contains the executive summary from the 1996 Research Council report PermissibleE~os~reLevel~forSelectedMilita~yF~el Vapors;Appendix B contains the executive summary and introduction of [P-8 Final Risk Bert, an unpublished report summarizing a recent Air Force-funded human-health study on JP-8; and Appendix C reviews types of tests used to assess neurologic function in humans after exposure to JP-8. REFERENCES ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists)
From page 15...
... Air Force Research Laboratory, Propulsion Directorate, Fuels Branch, U

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