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1 Introduction
Pages 1-6

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From page 1...
... Every major new technology has been used for hostile purposes, and many experts believe it naive to think that the extraordinary growth in the life sciences and its associated technologies might not be similarly exploited for nefarious purposes. The threat of bioterrorism, coupled with the global spread of expertise in biotechnology and biological manufacturing processes, raise concerns about how this advancing technological prowess could enable the creation and production of new agents of biological terrorism with unique and unpredictable characteristics.
From page 2...
... The global technology landscape is shifting dramatically and rapidly, both in terms of the types of technological advances being made and the geographical spread and distribution of these advances. Although some of the most recent advances in biotechnology, such as control of gene expression through RNA interference or the development of entirely new genes using combinatorial approaches coupled with biological selection, remain relatively restricted in their use, the proceedings from this workshop made it abundantly clear that advances in genomic sequencing, com
From page 3...
... The global dissemination of life sciences knowledge and advancing technological capacity is being driven not only by the growing use of international subcontracting and technological cooperation agreements, but also by national decisions to strengthen economy, public health, and national security, as well as international decisions to close the development gap between the North and South. It is accelerated by both longterm and short-term exchanges of biological scientists between lesser developed countries and countries such as the United States and those in Western Europe and Asia.
From page 4...
... In the first session, "Drivers of Global Technological Development," the goal was to address the following questions: Why have advancing technologies grown in the directions that they have, and what are some of the obstacles that groups, nations, and regions face in their pursuit of the positive aspects of technology growth? In the second session, "The Global Landscape of Technology/Efforts to Mitigate Risks for Misapplication," presentations and discussion focused on how advancing technological opportunities are being exploited for beneficial purposes.
From page 5...
... This summary provides an account of presentations and discussions that took place during the two-day workshop. It bears emphasizing again that the material presented in this and the following chapters represents the views and opinions of individual workshop participants only and are not to be construed as reflective of the deliberations of a formally constituted study committee.

This material may be derived from roughly machine-read images, and so is provided only to facilitate research.
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