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6 Sun-Solar System Connection
Pages 32-35

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From page 32...
... Although the panel understands that the roadmap document itself will not be updated according to recommendations given here, the panel does offer recommendations as to how the Sun-solar system science program should be articulated and organized in future NASA promulgations and planning activities, including the upcoming exercise to integrate the different NASA science discipline roadmaps. INTRINSIC MERIT OF THE SUN-SOLAR SYSTEM CONNECTION ROADMAP SCIENCE PROGRAM The NRC decadal survey in solar and space physics declares that the study of solar and space physics is "motivated by the deep-seated human impulse to know and understand the workings of Nature."5 The impact of the study of these "workings of Nature" is leveraged dramatically by the extent to which the findings affect other disciplines and ventures.
From page 33...
... However, by justifying these objectives so strongly on the basis of their role in enabling the vision for space exploration and other utilitarian goals, the roadmap arrives at a science program that may not be robust to changes in the exploration vision and that in part releases NASA from its longstanding stewardship responsibilities of what the panel believes is a scientific endeavor that has high intrinsic merit irrespective of its important practical applications for achieving the exploration objectives. NASA has stewardship for this science program because progress in the Sun-solar system discipline relies overwhelmingly on space systems for obtaining measurements and because of NASA's long-term investment in these areas.
From page 34...
... , and by future Explorer missions developed as the requirements and opportunities arise, also appears as an orphan in the roadmap, achievable only by significant programmatic growth. Because of the importance that the panel places on the fundamental science in generating a science plan, while recognizing the importance of utilitarian objectives as well, the panel recommends that the need to address the science of these transformational missions, as well as fundamental physical processes of individual components of the system, be more prominently articulated in future promulgation of the Sun-solar system science objectives and implementation plan.
From page 35...
... 2004. Solar and Space Physics and Its Role in Space Exploration.

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