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7 Priorities in Basic IS&T Research for the Air Force
Pages 79-85

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From page 79...
... As background for that discussion, it first presents its overall vision for Air Force basic research. A MODEL FOR AIR FORCE IS&T BASIC RESEARCH Given the limited availability of 6.1 funds for IS&T research, the committee believes it is best to give priority to those research areas that AFOSR gives a realistic chance of enabling significant new Air Force capabilities.
From page 80...
... Figure 7-1 suggests how the grand challenges model would contribute to cohesion across the total Air Force R&D enterprise. The grand challenges would be defined by AFOSR as a clear response to AFRL and Air Force technology needs, but in terms of concepts that motivate the basic research community.
From page 81...
... 81 strategy support research Justification capabilities 6.1 investment Research significant challenges areas high-payoff science military provide AFOSR Grand but in AFOSR exploration good would challenge in Leap-Ahead High-risk that advances Research scientific grand experiments 6.1 grounded diverse are common and in repeatable that challenges. Multiple focused Shared, Metrics and grand AFOSR needs from likely sector)
From page 82...
... · They should be readily comprehensible to researchers who do not have domain-specific knowledge of the Air Force system. · They should bound the research somewhat, so that researchers can aim toward specific applications rather than general capabilities.
From page 83...
... RECOMMENDED BASIC RESEARCH PRIORITIES IN IS&T The committee recommends that in determining program priorities, AFOSR should emphasize research that clarifies Air Force problems, impacts operational procedures, and advances the state of the art in areas of interest to the Air Force. Prior collaboration with Air Force laboratories should not be essential to obtaining program support.
From page 84...
... "L" means funding in that area should be sacrificed so that a critical level of effort can be supported in other areas. "L" does not mean that the topic is not of importance to the Air Force, only that if resources are tight, it is a reasonable candidate for cuts because other organizations are contributing to the area and/or the challenge is so great that a small AFOSR effort is unlikely to lead to significant progress.
From page 85...
... The committee recommends a significant increase in IS&T funding within AFOSR, centered around research to support teamfocused, network-enabled systems of interest to the Air Force.

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