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6 Surface and Microanalysis Science Division
Pages 33-37

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From page 33...
... RESPONSE TO RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE PREVIOUS REPORT In the panel's 2007 report,1 a few minor suggestions were given for further improving the existing high-quality projects of the SMSD. These included better theoretical support for projects involved in the detection of explosive materials, better definition and evaluation of the health and safety risks of nanoparticles, improved theoretical understanding of cluster secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS)
From page 34...
... The division's scientific program appears to be larger than that for technology development simply because the scientific projects have more subtopics. However, the technical studies are well targeted at solving problems in national and international security, environmental protection and sustainability, and transportation infrastructure.
From page 35...
... It is encouraging that many of the research projects already involve other divisions in NIST; external government agencies such as the U.S. Air Force, Department of Homeland Security, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Food and Drug Administration, Savannah River National Laboratory, and various Army laboratories; industry, including General Electric and SEMATECH; and universities such as the University of Maryland, Pennsylvania State University, and the University of Kentucky.
From page 36...
... Its research activities include the adsorption of self-assembled monolayers of nonspecific proteins, spectrometry using supercontinuum sources, the imaging of surface potentials of organic thin-film transistors, the transfer of quantum dots in an invertebrate food web, and super-resolution optical microscopy. Its work in standards development includes the preparation of polymer microspheres containing explosives, precision measurements of isotope ratios, and chemical mapping.
From page 37...
... A further area of possible improvement for some projects is a better definition of strategy, such as the long-term direction of scientific study and technology development. Since this division includes a wide range of activities, the development of a division-wide strategy could lead to greatly enhanced visibility and impact in the government and scientific communities.

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