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Appendix B - Levels of Corridor Analysis for Statewide Corridor Planning
Pages 49-50

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From page 49...
... Review, analysis, and evaluation of the following types of data and information can help to identify problem areas and to make relative comparisons between corridors or corridor segments: • For highway corridors, data and analysis could include such things as traffic volumes, level of service, crash data, pavement condition indices, adequacy ratings, and travel times. Such data and information could be derived from existing DOT databases, field reviews, regional and local agency or government input, and the use of analytical tools (e.g., travel demand models, highway capacity analysis, critical rate factors for crashes, and highway user cost-benefit analysis)
From page 50...
... These preliminary studies would rely on readily available information, and they would not include extensive public involvement, agency coordination, or environmental assessments for this statewide planning level. Instead, they would be used to define transportation problems; develop preliminary project goals; evaluate existing conditions (including preliminary "red flag" environmental or community concerns)

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