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7 Indicators and Metrics
Pages 39-46

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From page 39...
... EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT: MEASURING RESULTS BEYOND 20151 Tarun Dua pointed out that ECD resides in several sectors, including health, nutrition, education, social and child protection, poverty, and home and family environment. She emphasized the need for a harmonized framework for action that follows a transsectoral approach.
From page 40...
... Without a comprehensive population-level assessment, it is difficult to implement ECD policies at scale, she noted. Dua also identified the need to link child survival and child development outcome assessments in a single, integrated monitoring framework.
From page 41...
... These include child survival and nutrition indicators, including stunting, breastfeeding, sanitation and access to clean drinking water, and complementary feeding, as well as maternal education and access to preschool education. Additional indicators not part of the Countdown to 2015 framework include contextual factors such as violence against children, mental health of mothers and caregivers and impact on caregiving practices, age-appropriate development, and child disability.
From page 42...
... She pointed out that UNESCO recently reviewed indicators in different sectors and identified hundreds of them,3 but that these indicators are still applied inconsistently. For instance, Kariger noted reasonable consistency in measuring health and nutrition, poverty and wealth, and child protection, but less consistency in measuring education, early care, cognitive/ social/language development, and household supports.
From page 43...
... Moreover, the percentage of children attending early childhood education programs varies dramatically across countries, with less than half of children attending a program in most nations. In the least developed nations, around 12 percent of children attend a program.
From page 44...
... Raikes concluded by stating that national measurements of education readiness can complement global efforts, while recognizing the challenges associated with item comparability and proper use. Specifically, she noted potential challenges in identifying a common core of indicators, while still adjusting to the local context.
From page 45...
... , which was acting as the ECD knowledge hub for CSDH. A specific effort to promote children's development and health at the country level entered into force in 1990 -- namely the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is an international human rights treaty, and to this day 194 nations have ratified it (United Nations, 2014)
From page 46...
... planning and capacity building by serving as a blueprint for action. Vaghri concluded by saying that such carefully designed and methodically validated tools can facilitate data collection and action plans on ECD, as well as promote good governance.

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