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21. The First Rough Draft of History: How the Press Reports on Global Warming
Pages 326-329

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From page 326...
... Our keynote speaker two nights ago: "Weiss Wants Sun Belt to Hold Its Water" and then a subhead, "Wishful Thinker Visits Scottsdale." Or how about our friend from Washington who gave us a talk yesterday at lunch: "Bureau-Rec Boss Brags 'All Things to All People' Bureaucrat Bamboozles Public." Or, one of our scientist friends of yesterday, "Marshall Moss Mutilates Model: Egghead GCM No Match for Madonna." On the global warming issue, the media generally is criticized in one of two ways. First, people say that we overplay it'd this I'm just going to dismiss with, "I disagree." It's a hell of a story; it's the Big One (to use the name of a show on NBC the other night)
From page 327...
... And, we have raised this particular issue, as Helen Ingram mentioned, sufficiently to help generate a billion dollars for research. I think we do a reasonable job of science reporting whether it's on cold fusion or the cholesterol issue or global warming.
From page 328...
... The "let burn" policy was so rigid that it actually ignored things: for example, the Palmer Index, which, when I began snooping around, I found rolled up in the fire cache. We in the press were criticized for pitting science against the emotion of fire: the scientist talking about the natural fire regime versus a cabin owner who lost his place to the fire or a person at Old Faithful when the fire storm blew over.
From page 329...
... Thanks to you and the much maligned press, we won't wake up one morning with Lake Powell dry or with the Atlantic Ocean running up Fifth Avenue.

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