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Memorial Tributes Volume 19 (2015) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 103-108

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 104...
... Gerry Dinneen began his professional career at Goodyear Aircraft, developing applications of analog computers for real-time control systems. In 1953 he joined MIT Lincoln Laboratory and began a distinguished 24-year career as a technical innovator in digital computing, a leader in the development of the first solid state computers, a visionary in secure military communications, and eventually the director of Lincoln Laboratory for seven years.
From page 105...
... The process involved the design of the satellites, the development of a dedicated space laboratory facility for building and testing them under the extreme conditions of space, and coordination with launch personnel at the Kennedy Space Center. Accompanying these satellites were highly advanced ground terminals that were the first to exploit, in hardware form, the many theoretical advances in communication technology that marked the 1950s and 1960s.
From page 106...
... As chief technical officer he was particularly involved with semiconductor operations, including projects to improve control and security systems for homes and buildings. He also linked the research laboratories more closely to the business goals and objectives of the company, and established programs to encourage scientists and engineers to excel in applied research, including programs through which scientists and engineers could advance without becoming managers.
From page 107...
... 's international programs. In 1995 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and in 1996 the NAE honored his contributions with a special symposium, "The Global Agenda for American Engineering." He received the DOD Medal for Distinguished Public Service and was twice awarded the Exceptional Civilian Service Award from the US Air Force.
From page 108...
... He had the enviable talent of never forgetting a name. He will be remembered for his integrity, calm leadership, and dedication to the nation.

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