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Currently Skimming:

Pages 23-25

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 23...
... 24 CONTEXT FOR TRANSPORTATION REVENUE FORECASTING There is increasing awareness nationally of a gradual but relentless increase in the gap between transportation revenue requirements and the receipts from traditional sources such as the motor fuel tax. In all likelihood, individual states and federal agencies will have to institute new sources of revenue over the coming decade.
From page 24...
... 25 case states' efforts to project future revenues were found to focus on traditional and well-known sources of revenue. Nearly all survey respondents and state officials interviewed reported that they concentrated on traditional sources of revenue and avoided forecasting potential future revenues from entirely new or dramatically different sources for what they considered to be justifiable reasons.
From page 25...
... 26 nuity in current practices except where the states themselves see obvious gains from adopting new methods, models, or data. It might be useful for agencies to track forecasts made over time and to include in a longitudinal database the actual revenues collected in the years for which forecasts had previously been made.

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