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Currently Skimming:

Pages 110-116

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 110...
... This symposium is based on the assumption that there is something wrong or, perhaps more charitably, that something is missing in statistical training programs, namely, this interdisciplinary component. What makes John Bailar's comments so disquieting is the suggestion Mat this assumption, which at the base is a very comfortable assumption for statisticians, is wrong, and that interdisciplinarity is not missing in our training programs but rather is missing in ourselves.
From page 111...
... So, perhaps, if the modern statistics PhD program is changed, more of these heroes of statistics or, as Brad Efron would prefer to call them, the wizards of science, can be produced. They represent to varying degrees not so much what we as statisticians want to do but what it is we want to be.
From page 112...
... loan Garfield summarized the early presentations on client needs by listing three qualities needed in statisticians: they should have teamwork and collaboration skills; they should have communications skills, both oral and written; and they must possess ability to solve real problems. As Duane Meeter commented, these skills, interests, and abilities often describe the complement of those who apply to graduate programs in statistics -- and that is a real problem.
From page 113...
... The autumn course is an undergraduate statistical methods course using Moore and McCabe (19891. As to lohn's question, "Will it change as a result of what is going on here?
From page 114...
... This immersion involves more, ~ believe, than merely acquiring interpersonal skills; it requires understanding of how other people argue and how they think. My spring course is a required course for medical students that they take toward the end of their second year.
From page 115...
... In the ideal session, a statistics student and a medical investigator who have been working together on a project lead the discussion, with the investigator giving the medical background for the non-physicians and the student discussing the methodological approaches to the questions under study. We have 25 to 30 people who come every Friday afternoon from 3:30 to 5, not generally considered an advantageous time slot.
From page 116...
... So to conclude, I believe that a major key to fostering interdisciplinary work is to make it exciting and accessible and real, to do it in the context of a statistics deparanent or any other unit that in some sense is a center of intellectual ferment where exciting and unportant work is being engaged in. I believe that the group should have as the assumption underlying what it does that interdisciplinary work is not what you do, but rather is really a part of who you are.

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