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2 The Development of the Request for Proposals/Evaluation of Formal Proposals
Pages 5-10

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From page 5...
... work closely with law enforcement to identify other system and estimator variables that might influence performance and practical issues that might preclude certain strategies for influenc ing performance […and] that policy decisions regarding changes in procedure should be made on the basis of evidence of superiority and should be made in consultation with police departments to determine which procedure yields the best combination of performance and prac ticality.
From page 6...
... and estimator variables (e.g., presence or absence of weapon, lighting conditions and distances, elapsed time between the incident and the identification task, levels of stress) and the interactions between these variables." The RFP further stated that proposed research should "use statistical evaluation tools to improve upon existing methods." It emphasized that proposed research should exhibit strong research design, using, for example, "random assignment, when feasible, and other research methodologies that allow for the strongest possible causal inferences when random assignment is not feasible." Foundation staff asked that the RFP, in keeping with the foundation's core objective "to address our nation's most pressing and persistent challenges using evidence-based, multi-disciplinary approaches," emphasize that "interdisciplinary research partnerships and/or research performed in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and the judiciary" be encouraged.
From page 7...
... Finally, the RFP described the grant application process, which began with applicants submitting letters of interest that included a description of work to be performed. The committee assisted the Arnold Foundation in broadly distributing the RFP.
From page 8...
... While several proposals provided detailed study designs, other proposals made only general statements about how the project would be conducted. The committee noted that the members of the various research teams involved in the three proposals in the superior category and the four proposals of significant scientific merit possess the necessary academic qualifications and experience with which to carry out the proposed research projects.
From page 9...
... " The committee mentions this only to say that care must be taken with the research proposals it evaluated. Experienced researchers should be able to focus clearly on the proper questions, and none of the proposals received was excluded because of this apparent imprecision.

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