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Appendix B: Workshop Agenda
Pages 31-34

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From page 31...
... PRERECORDED PRESENTATIONS The following prerecorded presentations will be available in advance of the workshop at: environmental-effects-of-uv-filters-from-sunscreens Expected availability January 9, 2023. Findings and Knowledge Gaps from Review of Fate, Exposure, and Effects of Sunscreens in Aquatic Environments and Implications for Sunscreen Usage and Human Health Charles Menzie, Exponent, Inc., Committee Chair Information Needs for Environmental Management Gerry Davis, Pacific Islands Regional Office, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 2023 10:00–10:20 Welcome and Meeting Goals Charles Menzie, Exponent, Inc., Committee Chair Session 1: UV Filter Chemistry for Accurate Dose–Response Relationships 10:20–10:45 Environmental Fate of UV Filters Silvia Díaz-Cruz, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research 31
From page 32...
... , Committee Member Jon Arnot, ARC Arnot Research & Consulting Silvia Díaz-Cruz, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research Michael Gonsior, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Bill Mitch, Stanford University Kurt Reynertson, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health 12:35–12:40 Explanation of Breakout Session 12:40–1:40 Lunch Break (transition to breakout rooms) 1:40–3:10 Breakout Session on UV Filter Chemistry Format: Workshop participants will break into small groups to address the following questions: 1.
From page 33...
... Moderator: Carys Mitchelmore, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Committee Member Mandy Annis, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Iain Davies, Personal Care Products Council Craig Downs, Haereticus Environmental Laboratory Marc Leonard, L'Oreal Sascha Pawlowski, BASF Sandy Raimondo, U.S.
From page 34...
... 34 Advancing Research on Understanding Environmental Effects of UV Filters from Sunscreens 3:20–4:05 Breakout Session Report Outs Session 3: Closing 4:05–4:15 Summary Remarks Charles Menzie, Exponent, Inc., Committee Chair MEETING ADJOURNS

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