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Currently Skimming:

Pages 73-78

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 73...
... These organizations are in the process of corrunission~ng a study by the National Research Council to help develop a plan for relevant basic research. While the detailed plan is not yet available, it is clear that it will identify some long-standing priority areas, such as improved theoretical and computational ability to model seismic waves in three-dimensional heterogeneous media; improved theory for excitation of seismic waves from diverse sources such as quarry blasts, chemical explosions, nuclear explosions and earthquakes; and new methods for characterizing the wave propagation effects of diverse geological environments, along with the effects on seismic event location and identification.
From page 74...
... . Products: The seismic monitoring program element will provide methodologies that define and improve the monitoring performance in high-interest regions and, to a lesser extent, the remainder of the globe; proven, documented algorithms for accurate event detection, location, identification ,and characterization; a basic understanding of the factors that control the performance of the algorithms so that they can be tailored to specific sites and regions; and an overview of the monitoring challenges posed by conventional explosions and the measures that can be taken to address these challenges.
From page 75...
... Task S2. Develop Detection, Phase Identity cation, and EventAssociation (DPlEAJ Techniques The goal of this task is to develop new and/or improved regionally dependent algorithms for detection, phase identification, and event association in the Mid-Eas~orth Africa and southern and central Asia regions.
From page 76...
... Task S7. Perform Field Studies The modeling undertaken in tasks SS and S6 will generate key questions regarding regional propagation and event identification that can be addressed only by field studies.
From page 77...
... For example, the magnitude of the mine monitoring problem for a given region will be summarized in a report drawing on the results of S I, S3, and S4.

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