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Pages 5-9

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From page 5...
... The panel has also had extended discussions with military modelers and, taking advantage of the expertise found in its membership, has begun an intensive exploration of the scientific domain of human behavior to identify areas in the literature that are most pertinent to the problems of military modeling. Based as it is on a relatively brief exposure to the problem area, the report provides a preliminary assessment of the needs of military users, suggests an approach to developing human behavior representations, and identifies some promising recent developments.
From page 6...
... current human behavior representations can be improved by incorporating knowledge of what is already known from the social and behavioral sciences, cognitive science, and human performance modeling; and (3) great additional progress can be expected through the funding of new research and through the application of existing research in areas that the panel is charged to identify in this interim report and in its final report.
From page 7...
... Or it may be a real-time simulation of the behavior of selected battlefield elements that can be viewed by real crews performing in other battlefield element simulators, such as squads of individual soldiers, ground vehicles, and aircraft, to allow the battle to be played out in the simulated world interactively. To review the state of the art in human performance modeling, with specific attention to potential military applications under the purview of the Defense Modeling and Simulation Office, is especially challenging because the ways in which the models will be used are substantially different from the goals and purposes of typical academic researchers studying and modeling human performance.
From page 8...
... The panel has been and will continue to be challenged by the need to focus on behavioral outcomes and to connect knowledge and theory of human behavior with realistic behavioral outcomes rather than becoming bogged down in details of theory. However, it is the panel's underlying concern that achieving the desired outcomes with both realism and generality requires the models to be based on the best psychological and sociological theory available.
From page 9...
... One purpose of this project is to elaborate those aspects of performance that the panel determines are implementable now, those aspects that require significant translation of scientific theory and principles to develop into components of computer-based behavioral models, and those aspects of behavior for which the behavioral and social sciences provide inadequate knowledge for developing realistic models in the near future. The goal is to describe in general terms the theoretical and operating principles of models that are applicable to human behavior representation over varying time horizons, from immediately to three to five years; to describe the research necessary to translate current theory into future models; and to describe the areas in which models are needed, but for which theory must be further developed before the users can expect to have models that adequately meet their needs.

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