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2. The Role of Engineering in America
Pages 25-28

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From page 25...
... The centerpiece of American machine technology emerged as a standardized system for production of parts called the American system of manufacturing. This technique, combined with a notable penchant for innovation and simple, elegant design, began to provide the United States with technological autonomy and to build the foundations of an independent economic strength.
From page 26...
... developed to systematize further the manufacturing process, especially in the burgeoning automobile industry. Work roles also diversified: while military and independent consulting engineers had earlier been the most important, corporations now became the predominant force for technology development, and specialized assignments within a project team became the rule {Noble, 1977;.
From page 27...
... Highways and bridges, ground transportation systems, air transportation and traffic control, telephone and power utilities, water treatment and distribution, and waste treatment and management all form an extraordinarily complex network of facilities and services that are taken for granted for the most part and in which efficiency, safety, reliability, and Tow cost are expected by the public as a matter of routine. At the same time, engineering provides the technical means by which government and industry are able to protect national resources and ensure public safety and the quality of life.
From page 28...
... The public is better educated than ever before, and its current enthusiasm for technology development is probably not permanent. The residue of the antitechnology attitude means that engineers have new social responsibilities added to their traditional technical responsibilities.

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