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7 Nontraditional Graduate Programs
Pages 93-97

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From page 93...
... In the eyes of some, graduate engineering programs cannot develop a proper professional flavor sinless they are under the separate jurisdiction of the engineering school and, therefore, are free of control of a c~mpuswide graduate school. However, in a survey of Diversities that offer the Doctor of Engineering or the Engineer degree or both, few respondents 93
From page 94...
... E Grinter, in a 1975 article, offered five criteria that could be used to define a professional school of engineering, but the article did not even mention separate jurisdiction over the graduate degrees.56 The impression created is that the particular organizational structure is not a major factor governing the nature of the degree.
From page 95...
... Together, the internship and residency constitute a period of beginning medical practice, supervised by clinical faculty who are themselves professional practitioners. Most of those who favor internships for engineers generally believe that the internship should not come at the end of the formal academic program.
From page 96...
... However, about 90 percent of these had continued on to the Ph.D., so the program apparently had not served its intended function as a terminal degree sought for its own sake. A delicate question surrounds the Engineer degree: Is it sometimes used as a consolation price for those who flunk their doctoral exams?
From page 97...
... This will be especially true if industry in a major way begins to seek the degree for its own sake, which does not yet seem to be the case. Finding and Recommendation Experimentation with new degree programs is a necessary activity in engineering education, and flexibility in existing programs is to be encouraged.

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