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Currently Skimming:

Pages 94-98

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 94...
... The information infrastructure will be based largely on commercial systems and services, and the Department of the Navy must ensure that these systems are seamlessly integrated and that the information transported over the infrastructure is protected and secure. Network integration, components for robust communications links, development of adaptive transport protocols, and the development of intelligent service application software agents are critical to allow for establishing a seamless information infrastructure based on commercially developed systems and services and as such must be supported by the Navy Department and DOD.
From page 95...
... What is missing are sophisticated coordination of the specifications for organic and remote sensors, information networks, and precision weapons; understanding of the reliance that can be placed on National and theater sensors; and the appropriate investment balance among these components, not only of the entire sensor-to-shooter chain, but also spanning the spectrum from preparation of the battlefield to battle damage assessment. As an outgrowth of those discussions, the panel draws some specific conclusions and makes recommendations throughout the report.
From page 96...
... Strive to involve operational users, research commands, and acquisition organizations in a cohesive relationship that allows the continued rapid insertion of advanced information systems for use by Navy and Marine Corps forces. The Navy Department should continue to modify and adapt the acquisition system, in collaboration with the warfighter, to allow accelerated demonstrations of advanced information technologies and the rapid fielding of new information systems.
From page 97...
... Ensure timely and convenient access to all relevant information sources by naval assets. Invest in R&D to enable interoperability and remote access to information and to develop tools and techniques such as intelligent software agents that facilitate creation of a warfighter-friendly shared information environment.
From page 98...
... Integrate defense and offense and develop needed technology, systems, tactics, tools, and intelligence support. To develop the capabilities required for information warfare in 2035, the Department of the Navy should continue to make information warfare activities operational by integrating defensive and offensive elements at the control of the warfighter and by investing in the development of specific technology for support of countermeasures and defensive capabilities, offensive tools and tactics, and intelligence capabilities.

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