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Appendix K
Pages 239-244

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From page 239...
... In many cases, the applications will be "analytical" in some sense-e.g., investigating the potential value of a new weapon system or tradeoffs among platforms, constructing a training activity or exercise that will expose participants to the desired range of situations and stresses, or assessing alternative courses of action. In other cases, the work will be more developmental or technological (e.g., managing a program that includes a model-building component or managing the assembly of a distributed interactive simulation specifically tailored to an exercise)
From page 240...
... Such software is intended for broad use, not just that within the originating group. · M&S facilitation specialists trained to draw on technology and databases for both development and application of M&S in relatively complex contexts such as distributed interactive simulation, or developments exploiting model and tool repositories.
From page 241...
... Accessing historical examples is a natural way to proceed; mining and refining corporate memory in particular areas and organizations can be undertaken to record lasting "lessons learned." Students can also be tasked to conduct "quick-response studies," which can be effective in instilling recognition that much can be done quickly with a mix of brainstorming, simple or relatively simple models, and clear problem-focused thinking. On a formal-training level an initial educational background of natural science such as physics, chemistry, and electrical engineering, but also applied mathematics and statistics, has often been useful, particularly if the individual "likes problems" and enjoys the uncovering and exploitation of obscure structure and mechanism.
From page 242...
... : · Mathematical programming and optimization; other search methods such as evolutionary programming or genetic algorithms; · Probability models and stochastic processes; search theory; reliability models; queuing theory; . lion; Statistics: data acquisition, and data analysis; · Spreadsheet languages; simulation languages, others; Monte Carlo methods; Decision and control theory and analysis; Artificial intelligence (AI)
From page 243...
... Appendix E emphasizes the importance of multi-resolution modeling and the desirability of having model families, but there is very little in current curricula and not much in the current literature to prepare people for such work. It will often be true that a real problem can be completely addressed or "solved" by employing some relatively simple classical model.
From page 244...
... This step also includes basic parameter specification. Model-output Analysis: Analytical Advice to Decision Makers Model-output analysis is an extension of the above that includes the planning of model runs so as to economically obtain the necessary overall picture of response possibilities.

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