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Currently Skimming:

5 Inclusion and Accommodation
Pages 45-47

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From page 45...
... to students with special needs while maintaining comparable validity of test performance with that in the general population (see National Research Council, 1997, 1999b)
From page 46...
... We believe the federal government has an important leadership role to play in subsidizing and demonstrating valid efforts to include these populations. The procedures discussed in the draft documents are intended to increase participation and provide valid assessments for all students, but they essentially involve retrofitting established assessment instruments and procedures to special populations of students; another approach would be to design and develop assessments from the beginning that are accessible to and valid for all students.
From page 47...
... For example, the NRC report recommends oversampling of students with disabilities and with limited English proficiency in the course of pilot testing so there will be sufficient numbers of cases in major subgroups of these students to permit DIF analyses. Second, test developers should explore the use of new technologies, such as computer- based, adaptive testing for students who need extra time, which show promise of substantially reducing or eliminating irrelevant performance differentials between many students who require accommodation and other students.

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