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5 Summary and Recommendations
Pages 81-86

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From page 81...
... Research funded by COP would have been, in many cases, impossible without the partnership approach. In view of the NOAA strategic plan, COP has much to offer in providing the scientific foundation for a large part of NOAA's mission in the coastal ocean area.
From page 82...
... COP invested its resources in initiating programs that were planned to provide a comprehensive coastal research program when full funding was finally achieved. As funding plateaued at a lower than anticipated level, the result has been a program that is spread too thin at the theme and program levels, with resulting disappointment in the marine science communities within and outside NOAA.
From page 83...
... Alternative or contingency plans should be reviewed and considered at the outset to insure that scientifically defensible programs are funded under good or bad budget situations. This is particularly true for multiyear field programs, and for programs that clepend on the results of activities funded outside COP.
From page 84...
... Other programs, such as the Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity project, have made comprehensive progress on the basic scientific issues that they set out to study. Support from COP for routine operations drains funds that should be applied to unique COP research and development activities.
From page 85...
... ensure that future COP programs have clear statements of measurable goals and objectives, to allow both internal evaluation and early coor dination with the line offices to which operational responsibility will eventually be transferred; and 4. encourage involvement of appropriate users of COP-derived products and information throughout planning and research phases of COP activities to ensure the utility of COP results.
From page 86...
... Communication of COP Contributions COP provides unusual opportunities for collaborative research between NOAA and academic scientists and it funds a broad range of research activities, yet there is little recognition of "COP Science" as a distinct entity in the same way that research funded through Sea Grant, NSF, OUR, and other extramural sources have clear ties to the funding source. This occurs because COP uses the NOAA line offices to channel its funds.

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