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1.5 Adjusting the Department of the Navy Organization and Management
Pages 41-52

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From page 41...
... e. Naval force information assurance efforts should include preparation and training for operations with impaired NCII functionality, including provisions for redundancy in appropriate places and fallback modes of operation.
From page 42...
... In addition, it found that the current requirements generation process is not sufficiently responsive to the demands imposed by the pace of information technology development to keep deploying naval forces at the leading edge of commercial practices. The committee also found that there is no one organization within the Navy operational community that has the credibility and authority to prepare requirements for the seams among subsystems and components supporting network-centric opera ~\ FIGURE 1.8 Major decision-making support processes in the Department of the Navy.
From page 43...
... Possibly most important, in light of the demands of network-centric operations on force evolution and performance integrated across the naval forces and into the joint arena, is the need for more comprehensive review and oversight of the acquisition and program execution of the entire NCO complex of systems within the programming, budgeting, and implementation processes than the current business practices provide. Such review and oversight must include prioritization among the various subsystems.
From page 44...
... developing improved output measures and mission/ system component trade-off analyses and assessments. Given these divergent views and the uncertainty they reflect about the true management situation applicable to overall network-centric operations system planning and acquisition, the committee concluded that recommendations to the Navy Department and the CNO would be in order, to review the N8 and the PEO structures and adjust them if necessary and as appropriate to accommodate end-to-end system designs for NCO subsystems, including especially those relevant to the power projection mission.
From page 45...
... CHENG, Chief Engineer of the Navy; DRM, design reference mission; IWAR, integrated warfare architecture; MOE, measure of effectiveness; MOP, measure of performance; NAVSEA, Naval Sea Systems Command; NWDC, Navy Warfare Development Command; SYSCOM, systems command; TYPE CDR, type commander, flag officer responsible for all ships of a certain type in the fleet. complexities that will attend the evolution of the naval forces into the networkcentric operations mode.
From page 46...
... This new functional type commander should report to only the three fleet commanders, in the same manner as the current platform type commanders report to individual fleet commanders. In addition to assigned operational responsibilities, including management of the fleet portions of the NCII and space assets, this new type commander should be the single point of information support to all the fleets, and should represent the fleet commanders network-centric information operations needs and priorities in the program objective memorandum (POM)
From page 47...
... He or she should oversee all aspects of Navy system interoperability and integration and execution of NCO programs, including the NCII in Navy areas of responsibility. This also includes oversight of the activities of the Navy Chief Engineer and the NAVSEA 05 battle force interoperability engineering function and working with the Commander, Marine Corps System Command, to ensure effective, coordinated program execution in areas where the subsystems of both Services must operate together as part of an overall NCO system.
From page 48...
... 8. The Chief of Naval Operations and the Commandant of the Marine Corps should review how system trade-offs and resource allocation balances are addressed in the Navy/Marine Corps staffs for all naval force missions, and particularly for the power projection mission, with a view toward orienting the process to the overall network-centric operations system concept.
From page 49...
... 1.5.3 Personnel Management, Training, and Education Achieving gains potentially offered by modern technology for enabling forcewide network-centric operations is not likely with current DOD and Department of the Navy personnel management practices. Since information technology work in the military has been changing dramatically, it is not known exactly what skills will be needed for future efforts.
From page 50...
... Board of Directors 3-Star Designated SYSCOM Commander · Oversee BF Interoperability · Coordination of NCO Program Execution · Oversee Chief Engineer NCO activities Chief Engineer responsible for system and technical architecture Institutionalize: · Spiral process · System engineering Partition new open systems into utilities and domainspecific applications Navy/MC recommend J8 establish JTAMDO-type process for land attack FIGURE 1.10 Key recommendations for managing network-centric operations. BF, battle force; DEP, distributed engineering plant; DRM, design reference mission; FMF, fleet Marine force; ISR, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; IWAR, integrated warfare architecture; MOE, measure of effectiveness; MOP, measure of performance; PE, program element; POM, program objective memorandum.
From page 51...
... Whereas in the past the basic education of naval officers, after leadership, has been focused on platforms ships, aircraft, submarines and then on weapons, combat units, and, finally, command, control, and related matters, that education will have to begin by conveying an understanding of the network-centric operations paradigm within which all the other naval force elements are embedded. Beyond that, networkcentric operations will have to pervade all the training and education of naval force personnel and Department of the Navy civilian staff.

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