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Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report (2023)

Chapter: References

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Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.


2020 Census Quality Indicators Task Force (2020, October). 2020 Census Quality Indicators: A Report from the American Statistical Association. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.

2020 Census Quality Indicators Task Force (2021, September). 2020 Census State Population Totals: A Report from the American Statistical Association Task Force on 2020 Census Quality Indicators. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.

Abowd, J., R. Ashmead, R. Cumings-Menon, S. Garfinkel, M. Heineck, C. Heiss, R. Johns, D. Kifer, P. Leclerc, A. Machanavajjhala, B. Moran, W. Sexton, M. Spence, and P. Zhuravlev (2022, June 24). The 2020 Census Disclosure Avoidance System TopDown Algorithm. Harvard Data Science Review (Special Issue 2).

Abowd, J. M. (2016, September 15). The challenge of scientific reproducibility and privacy protection for statistical agencies. Presentation to Census Scientific Advisory Committee.

Abowd, J. M. (2018, December 6). Disclosure avoidance for block level data and protection of confidentiality in public tabulations. Presentation to Census Scientific Advisory Committee.

Abowd, J. M. (2019a, October 18). The U.S. Census Bureau tries to be a good data steward in the 21st century. Presented at FDIC Consumer Research Symposium.

Abowd, J. M. (2019b, January 5). Why the economics profession cannot cede the discussion of privacy protection to computer scientists. Presented at Allied Social Science Associations Annual Meetings.

Abowd, J. M. (2021a, April 13). Declaration. See State of Alabama v. U.S. Department of Commerce (2021). Document 41-1.

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

Abowd, J. M. (2021b). Official statistics at the crossroads: Data quality and access in an era of heightened privacy risk. The Survey Statistician (83), 23–26.

Abowd, J. M. (2021c, April 26). Supplemental declaration. See State of Alabama v. U.S. Department of Commerce (2021). Document 116-1.

Abowd, J. M. and M. B. Hawes (2023). Confidentiality protection in the 2020 US Census of Population and Housing. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 10(1), 119–144.

Abowd, J. M. and I. M. Schmutte (2019, January). An economic analysis of privacy protection and statistical accuracy as social choices. American Economic Review 109(1), 171–202.

Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building (2022, October 14). Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building: Year 2 Report. Washington, DC: Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building.

Alvarez, J. and E. Maurer (2022, June 21). DHC age data’s fitness for use in New York City demographic applications. Presentation at Workshop on the Demographic and Housing Characteristics Files, Washington, DC.

Alvey, W. and F. Scheuren (1982). Background for an administrative records census. In Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, pp. 137–152. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.

American Redistricting Project (2022, June 13). 2020 Census count errors and Congressional apportionment. Blog post:

Antal, L., T. Enderle, and S. Giessing (2017, May 19). Harmonised protection of census data in the ESS: Statistical disclosure control methods for harmonised protection of census data. The Hague: Eurostat Centre of Excellence on Statistical Disclosure Control.

Asquith, B. J., B. Hershbein, S. Reed, and S. Yesiltepe (2019, October 25). Differential privacy and scrubbed segregation. Presentation at Harvard Data Science Review Conference on Differential Privacy and the 2020 Census.

Author unknown (2015, December 26). Age heaping in the U.S. census.

Bach, F. (2022, June). Differential privacy and noisy confidentiality concepts for European population statistics. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology (3), 642–687.

Bailie, J., R. Gong, and X.-L. Meng (2023, May). Can swapping be differentially private? a refreshment stirred, not shaken. Technical report, National Bureau of Economic Research,

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

Beaghen, M., R. N. Turner, M. Jost, and E. Jarra (2022, May 19). 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey Estimation Methods: Missing Data for Person Estimates. DSSD 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey Memorandum Series #2020-J-05. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Biemer, P., J. Salvo, and J. Auerbach (2021, September). The Quality of the 2020 Census: An Independent Assessment of Census Bureau Activities Critical to Data Quality. First submitted to 2020 Census Quality Indicators Task Force July 22, 2021; revised August 24, 2021, and released alongside task force report. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.

Bowlby, G. and M. Beaulieu (2023, May 24). International approaches to conducting a census in the 21st century: Canada. Presentations in Committee on National Statistics Public Webinar Series.

Brown, J. D., S. R. Cohen, G. Denoeux, S. Dorinski, M. L. Heggeness, C. Lieberman, L. McBride, M. Murray-Close, H. Qin, A. E. Ross, D. H. Sandler, L. Warren, and M. Yi (2023, May 5). Real-Time 2020 Administrative Record Census Simulation (1.0 ed.). 2020 Census Experiment Report, released via 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2023.08. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Brummet, Q., E. Mulrow, and K. Wolter (2019, October 25). The effect of differentially private noise injection on sampling efficiency and funding allocations: Evidence from the 1940 Census. Presentation at Harvard Data Science Review Conference on Differential Privacy and the 2020 Census.

Bycroft, C. and N. Matheson-Dunning (2023, June 7). International approaches to conducting a census in the 21st century: New Zealand. Presentations in Committee on National Statistics Public Webinar Series.

Cassal, K. R. (2022, June 21). Making DHC analysis more accessible and exploring solutions for data users. Presentation at Workshop on the Demographic and Housing Characteristics Files, Washington, DC.

Census Geographies Project (2022, December). U.S. Political and Statistical Geography and Census Small-Area Statistics: A Primer. Washington, DC: Massive Data Institute, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University.

Citro, C. F. (2011). Editing and imputation. In M. J. Anderson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the U.S. Census: From the Constitution to the American Community Survey. Washington, DC: CQ Press.

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

Citro, C. F. (2021, October 16). Preliminary assessment of aspects of census quality via demographic analysis.

Craigle, M. (2022, June 21). How decennial data drive funding at state and local levels—some examples from Montana. Presentation at Workshop on the Demographic and Housing Characteristics Files, Washington, DC.

Cresce, A. R. and R. R. Ramirez (2003). Analysis of General Hispanic Responses in Census 2000. Population Division Working Paper No. 72. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Daily, D. (2022, December 14). Disclosure avoidance protections for the American Community Survey. Random Samplings blog.

Dajani, A. N., A. D. Lauger, P. E. Singer, D. Kifer, J. P. Reiter, A. Machanavajjhala, S. L. Garfinkel, S. A. Dahl, M. Graham, V. Karwa, H. Kim, P. Leclerc, I. M. Schmutte, W. N. Sexton, L. Vilhuber, and J. M. Abowd (2017, September 21). The modernization of statistical disclosure limitation at the U.S. Census Bureau. Presentation at Joint UNECE/EUROSTAT Work Session on Statistical Data Confidentiality, Skopje.

Davis, P. P. and J. Mulligan (2012, May 22). Net coverage for the household population in the United States. DSSD 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Memorandum Series No. 2010-G-03. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Commerce.

Decennial Census Management Division (2018, December 31). 2020 Census Detailed Operational Plan for: 6. Geographic Programs Operation (GEOP)—6-1. Geographic Delineations Component (GEOP/GD). Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

DeJesus, J. and S. Konya (2023, February 7). 2020 Census Item Nonresponse and Imputation Assessment Report. Version 1.0. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Department of Commerce v. New York (2019). 588 U.S. ___, 139 S. Ct. 2551. No. 18-966. Argued April 23, 2019. Decided June 27, 2019.

Devine, J., R. Bhaskar, B. DeSalvo, J. G. Robinson, M. Scopilliti, and K. K. West (2012, February). The Development and Sensitivity Analysis of the 2010 Demographic Analysis Estimates. Population Division Working Paper No. 93. Washington, DC: U.S.

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

Census Bureau.

Devine, J., M. Spence, A. Krause, R. Ramirez, and M. Hawes (2023, February 8). 2020 Census data products workshop [presentation slides]. Presented at Applied Demography Conference, Annapolis, MD.

Donello, D. (2021). Overview of Non-ID processing. U.S. Census Bureau. Presentation to the Panel to Evaluate the Quality of the 2020 Census, August 30, 2021, virtual format.

Dove, I. (2021, August 20). Applying Differential Privacy Protection to ONS Mortality Data, Pilot Study. Office for National Statistics.

Efron, B. (1978). Regression and ANOVA with zero-one data: Measures of residual variation. Journal of the American Statistical Association 73(361), 113–121.

Equitable Data Working Group (2022, April 22). A vision for equitable data: Recommendations from the Equitable Data Working Group.

Executive Order No. 13880 (2019, July 11). Collecting Information About Citizenship Status in Connection with the Decennial Census. 84 FR 33821.

Executive Order No. 13985 (2021, January 20). Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government. 86 FR 7009.

Fay, R. E. (2021, September). Review of Research Supporting the Use of Administrative Record Enumeration in the 2020 Census. Submitted to 2020 Census Quality Indicators Task Force August 12, 2021; released alongside task force report. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.

Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (2020, September). A Framework for Data Quality. FCSM-20-04. Washington, DC: Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology.

Federal State Cooperative on Population Estimates Steering Committee (2020, November 23). Letter to members of the U.S. Census Bureau Data Stewardship Executive Policy Committee.

Federal State Cooperative on Population Estimates Steering Committee (2022, August 1). Letter to Robert Santos, director, U.S. Census Bureau [with additional signatories].

Fontenot, A. E. (2018a, May 16). 2020 Census Plans for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2018.13. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

Fontenot, A. E. (2018b, February 15). 2020 Census Residence Criteria and Residence Situations. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2018.04. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2018c, January 26). Using Two Separate Questions for Race and Ethnicity in 2018 End-to-End Census Test and 2020 Census. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2018.02. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2019, July 1). Disclosure Avoidance System Parameters and Global Privacy-Loss Budget for the 2018 End-to-End Census Test. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2019.13. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2021a, November 15). Documentation of Changes to the Count Review Operation. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2021.22. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2021b, April 6). Documentation of Updates to the Enumeration at Transitory Locations Operation. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2021.08. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2021c, February 12). Documentation of Updates to the Non-ID Processing Operation. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2021.03. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2021d, October 18). Documentation of Updates to the Nonresponse Followup Operation. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2021.20. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2021e, January 21). Documention of Updates to the Internet Self-Response Operation. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2021.04. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2021f, January 25). Documention of Updates to the Update Leave Operation. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2021.05. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2021g, September 9). Group Quarters Operation Detailed Operational Plan v2.0. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2021.16. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2021h). Overview of operations and challenges in the 2020 census. U.S. Census Bureau. Presentation to the Panel to Evaluate the Quality of the 2020 Census, July 19, 2021, virtual format.

Fontenot, A. E. (2021i, March 2). Updates to the 2020 Update Enumerate Detailed Operational Plan. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2021.06. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2021j, January 12). Updates to the Census Questionnaire Assistance Operation Scope. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2021.02. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

Fontenot, A. E. (2021k, September 28). Updates to the Evaluations and Experiments Operation. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2021.17. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2022a, March 3). Census 2020 High-Level Overview of Group Quarters Count Imputation. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2022.08. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2022b, January 6). Updates to the 2020 Census Response Processing Operation Detailed Operational Plan. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2022.01. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. (2022c, January 10). Updates to the Geographic Programs Operation, Geographic Delineations Detailed Operational Plan. 2020 Census Program Memorandum Series #2022.02. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Fontenot, A. E. and B. Taylor (2021). Census budget and possible impact of budget reductions. U.S. Census Bureau. Presentation to the Panel to Evaluate the Quality of the 2020 Census, September 28, 2021, virtual format.

Garfinkel, S. (2023). Comment to Mulalidhar and Domingo-Ferrer (2023)—legacy statistical disclosure limitation techniques were not an option for the 2020 US Census of Population and Housing. Journal of Official Statistics 39(3), 399–410.

Garfinkel, S. L. (2017, September 15). Modernizing disclosure avoidance: Report on the 2020 disclosure avoidance subsystem as implemented for the 2018 end-to-end test (continued). Presentation to Census Scientific Advisory Committee.

Garner, E. (2023, April). The use of differential privacy by the U.S. Census Bureau—a state’s perspective. Presented at Population Association of America meetings, Atlanta, GA.

Gibson, C. J. and K. Jung (2002, September). Historical census statistics on population totals by race, 1790 to 1990, and by Hispanic origin, 1970 to 1990, for the United States, regions, divisions, and states. Working Paper 56, U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division.

Gong, R., E. L. Groshen, and S. Vadhan (2022, June 24). Harnessing the Known Unknowns: Differential Privacy and the 2020 Census. Harvard Data Science Review (Special Issue 2).

Grieco, E. M. and R. C. Cassidy (2001, March). Overview of Race and Hispanic Origin, 2000. Census 2000 Brief C2KBR/01-1. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Groshen, E. L. and D. Goroff (2022, June 24). The 2020 Census Disclosure Avoidance System TopDown Algorithm. Harvard Data Science Review (Special Issue 2).

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

Hardcastle, J. (2019, December 12). Housing and population counts—implications for local estimates and projections. Presentation at Workshop on 2020 Census Data Products: Data Needs and Privacy Considerations, Washington, DC.

Harding, S., L. Liddle, P. McDonald, P. Morrison, D. Trewin, and S. Walters (2022, June 28). Report on the quality of 2021 Census data. Report of the Statistical Independent Assurance Panel to the Chief Statistician, Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Hartley, C. (2022, June 21). Status update on the population estimates. Presentation at Workshop on the Demographic and Housing Characteristics Files, Washington, DC.

Hearns, K. (2021). Overview of internet self-response instrument and contact strategies development. U.S. Census Bureau. Presentation to the Panel to Evaluate the Quality of the 2020 Census, August 30, 2021, virtual format.

Heim, K. (2022, September 21). 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey Estimation Methods: Net Coverage Estimation. DSSD 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey Memorandum Series #2020-J-07. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Henry, S., R. Pereira, and L. Blackwell (2023, May 18). International approaches to conducting a census in the 21st century: United Kingdom. Presentations in Committee on National Statistics Public Webinar Series.

Herdağdelen, A., A. Dow, B. State, P. Mohassel, and A. Pompe (2020, June 2). Protecting privacy in Facebook mobility data during the COVID-19 response.

Hill, C., K. Heim, J. Hong, and N. Phan (2022, June). Census Coverage Estimates for People in the United States by State and Census Operations: 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey Estimation Report. PES20-G-02RV. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Hobbs, F. (2004). Age and sex composition. In J. Siegel and D. Swanson (Eds.), The Method and Materials of Demography (Second ed.)., pp. 125–173. Elsevier Academic Press.

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

Hodges, K. and R. Cortes (2022, June 21). Population and householders by age before and after differential privacy. Presentation at Workshop on the Demographic and Housing Characteristics Files, Washington, DC.

Holmberg, A. and R. Watmuff (2023, May 31). International approaches to conducting a census in the 21st century: Australia. Presentations in Committee on National Statistics Public Webinar Series.

Hotz, V. J., C. R. Bollinger, T. Komorova, and B. D. Spencer (2022, July 25). Balancing data privacy and usability in the federal statistical system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(31), e2104906119.

Hotz, V. J. and J. Salvo (2022, June 24). A chronicle of the application of differential privacy to the 2020 Census. Harvard Data Science Review (Special Issue 2).

Jackson, G., K. Wechter, and S. Winder (2012, May 22). 2010 Census Be Counted and Questionnaire Assistance Centers Assessment. 2010 Census Planning Memoranda Series No. 194. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Jarmin, R. (2019a, February 15). Census Bureau adopts cutting edge privacy protections for 2020 Census. Random Samplings blog.

Jarmin, R. (2019b, July 30). Census Bureau continues to boost data safeguards. Random Samplings blog.

JASON (2016, November). Alternative Futures for the Conduct of the 2030 Census. McLean, VA: The MITRE Corporation. JSR-16-Task-009.

JASON (2021, February 8). JSR-20-2N (WS’21) Assessment of 2020 Census Data Quality Processes. McLean, VA: The MITRE Corporation. Letter report to Christa Jones and Deborah Stempowski, U.S. Census Bureau.

Jensen, E. and T. Kennel (2022, March 10). Who was undercounted, overcounted in the 2020 Census? Detailed coverage estimates for the 2020 Census release today.

Jensen, E., A. Roberts, and L. Rogers (2023, May 25). Age heaping in the 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC). Posted to Random Samplings blog.

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

Jensen, E. B., A. Knapp, H. King, D. Armstrong, S. L. Johnson, L. Sink, and E. Miller (2020, December 15). Methodology for the 2020 demographic analysis estimates. Technical report, U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division.

Johanson, C., M. Scheu, and K. Wechter (2011, December 19). 2010 Census Operational Assessment for Type of Enumeration Area Delineation. 2010 Census Planning Memoranda Series No. 164. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Jones, N., R. Ramirez, and R. Marks (2021). Improvements to race and ethnicity coding in the 2020 Census. U.S. Census Bureau. Presentation to the Panel to Evaluate the Quality of the 2020 Census, September 28, 2021, virtual format.

Jost, M. and S. Khubba (2022). 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey: Net Coverage Error and Components of Census Coverage for Race Groups and Hispanic Origin by Age, Sex, and Tenure in the United States. DSSD 2020 Census Post-Enumeration Survey Memorandum Series No. 2010-G-05. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Commerce.

Kaneff, J. (2022, June 21). Regional and local government planning: Decennial census data needs and assessment. Presentation at Workshop on the Demographic and Housing Characteristics Files, Washington, DC.

Keller, A. and T. Fox (2012, May 22). Components of census coverage for the household population in the United States. DSSD 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Memorandum Series No. 2010-G-04. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Commerce.

Keller, A. and T. Fox (2013, May 23). 2010 Components of Census Coverage for Race Groups and Hispanic Origin by Age, Sex, and Tenure in the United States. DSSD 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Memorandum Series No. 2010-E-51. Publicly released March 2023. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Commerce.

Keller, S. and S. Shipp (2021, February 4). A new approach for the 2030 decennial census; a 21st century census for a 21st century society. University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute White Paper.

Keller, S. A. and J. M. Abowd (2023). Database reconstruction does compromise confidentiality. PNAS 120(12), 1–3.

Kenny, C. T., S. Kuriwaki, C. McCartan, E. T. Rosenman, T. Simko, and K. Imai (2021, October 6). The use of differential privacy for census data and its impact on redistricting: The case of the 2020 U.S. Census. Science Advances 7(41), eabk3283.

Kenny, C. T., S. Kuriwaki, C. McCartan, T. Simko, and K. Imai (2023, June 13). Evaluating bias and noise induced by the U.S. Census Bureau’s privacy protection methods. arXiv:2306.07521v1.

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

Khubba, S., K. Heim, and J. Hong (2022, March). National Census Coverage Estimates for People in the United States by Demographic Characteristics: 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey Estimation Report. PES20-G-01. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Lane, L., S. Hanks, A. Williams, and K. Roinestad (2022, August 18). 2020 Census In-Field Address Canvassing Operational Assessment Report. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Layne, M., D. Wagner, and C. Rothhaas (2014). Estimating record linkage false match rate for the Person Identification Validation System. Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications Working Paper 2014-02, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC.

Letourneau, E. (2012, June 6). Mail Response/Return Rates Assessment. 2010 Census Planning Memoranda Series No. 198. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Liebler, C. A. (2022, June 21). Impacts of differential privacy on data about American Indian and Alaska Native people and tribal lands. Presentation at Workshop on the Demographic and Housing Characteristics Files, Washington, DC.

Lyons-Amos, M. and T. Stones (2017). Trends in demographic and health survey data quality: an analysis of age heaping over time in 34 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa between 1987 and 2015. BMC Res Notes 10, 760.

Macagnone, M. (2022, April 5). Census Bureau director on ‘transformational’ changes—and SXSW.

Marks, R. and M. Rios-Vargas (2021, August 3). Improvements to the 2020 Census race and hispanic origin question designs, data processing, and coding procedures. Posted to Census Bureau Random Samplings blog.

Marra, E. and T. Kennel (2022, March). Source and Accuracy of the 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey Person Estimates: 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey Methodology Report. PES20J-01. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Mathews, K., J. Phelan, N. A. Jones, S. Konya, R. Marks, B. M. Pratt, J. Coombs, and M. Bentley (2017, February 28). 2015 National Content Test: Race and Ethnicity Analysis Report. Version 1.0. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

McGeeney, K., B. Kriz, S. Mullenax, L. Kail, G. Walejko, M. Vines, N. Bates, and Y. G. Trejo (2019, January 24). 2020 Census Barriers, Attitudes, and Motivators Study Survey Report. Version 2.0. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

McKenna, L. (2018, November). Disclosure Avoidance Techniques Used for the 1970 through 2010 Decennial Censuses of Population and Housing. CES-WP-18-47. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Mervis, J. (2017, July 25). Researchers think they’ve found a much better way to conduct the 2030 U.S. census.

Mueller, J. T. (2022, June 21). County-level discrepancies between SF-1 and DHC across the rural-urban continuum. Presentation at Workshop on the Demographic and Housing Characteristics Files, Washington, DC.

Mule, T. (2012, May 22). Summary of estimates of coverage for persons in the United States. DSSD 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Memorandum Series No. 2010-G-01. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Commerce.

Mulry, M. H. and B. D. Spencer (1991, December). Total error in PES estimates of population: The dress rehearsal census of 1988. Journal of the American Statistical Association 86, 839–854.

Mulry, M. H., C. J. Tello-Trillo, T. Mule, and A. Keller (2023a, February 21). Comparisons of administrative record rosters to census self-responses and NRFU household member responses. Research Report Series 2023-01, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC.

Mulry, M. H., C. J. Tello-Trillo, T. Mule, and A. Keller (2023b, February 27). Full report of the comparisons of administrative record rosters to census self-responses and NRFU household member responses. Working Paper DEC-WP-2023-01, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC.

Muralidhar, K. and J. Domingo-Ferrer (2023a). Database reconstruction is not so easy and is different from reidentification. Journal of Official Statistics 39(3), 381–398.

Muralidhar, K. and J. Domingo-Ferrer (2023b). A rejoinder to Garfinkel (2023)—legacy statistical disclosure limitation techniques for protecting 2020 Decennial US Census: Still a viable option. Journal of Official Statistics 39(3), 411–420.

Nagle, N. and T. Kuhn (2019, December 11). Implications for municipalities and school enrollment statistics. Presentation at Workshop on 2020

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

Census Data Products: Data Needs and Privacy Considerations, Washington, DC.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2015). The Bicentennial Census: New Directions for Methodology in 1990: 30th Anniversary Edition. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2017). Innovations in Federal Statistics: Combining Data Sources While Protecting Privacy. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2020). 2020 Census Data Products: Data Needs and Privacy Considerations: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2021). Principles and Practices for a Federal Statistical Agency (7th ed.). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2022). Understanding the Quality of the 2020 Census: Interim Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2023). 2020 Census Data Products: Demographic and Housing Characteristics File: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

National Conference of State Legislatures (2021, May 26). Redistricting and use of census data.

National Research Council (1985). The Bicentennial Census: New Directions for Methodology in 1990. Panel on Decennial Census Methodology, Constance F. Citro and Michael L. Cohen, eds., Committee on National Statistics. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

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National Research Council (2004b). Reengineering the 2010 Census: Risks and Challenges. Panel on Research on Future Census Methods, Daniel L. Cork, Michael L. Cohen, and Benjamin F. King, eds., Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

National Research Council (2006). Once, Only Once, and in the Right Place: Residence Rules in the Decennial Census. Panel on Residence Rules in the Decennial Census, Daniel L. Cork and Paul R. Voss, eds., Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

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Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division (2012, July 5). Modified race summary file methodology statement.

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Whitford, D. C. (2008, July 9). Overview of 2010 Census Coverage Masurement Program. DSSD 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Memorandum Series #A-19. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.

Wright, T. and K. Irimata (2021, August 5). Emirical Study of Two Aspects of the Topdown Algorithm Output for Redistricting: Reliability & Variability (August 5, 2021 Update). Study Series—Statistics #2021–02. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau.

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Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Assessing the 2020 Census: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27150.
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Since 1790, the U.S. census has been a recurring, essential civic ceremony in which everyone counts; it reaffirms a commitment to equality among all, as political representation is explicitly tied to population counts. Assessing the 2020 Census looks at the quality of the 2020 Census and its constituent operations, drawing appropriate comparisons with prior censuses. The report acknowledges the extraordinary challenges the Census Bureau faced in conducting the census and provides guidance as it plans for the 2030 Census. In addition, the report encourages research and development as the goals and designs for the 2030 Census are developed, urging the Census Bureau to establish a true partnership with census data users and government partners at the state, local, tribal, and federal levels.


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