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Pages 11-16

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 11...
... 11 Certain barriers from the case studies stood out among the others due to their prevalence or broad applicability. These barriers are summarized in Table 3.1 and are explored further following the table.
From page 12...
... 12 Insufficient Involvement of the public Beyond typical not-in-my-backyard issues, there are many reasons collaboration with the public can fail. The transportation decision-making process can be difficult to understand, and subsections of the population (e.g., low-income, non-English-speaking)
From page 13...
... 13 had a long and difficult relationship with the Air Force base, fearing health risks associated with it. Therefore, community members were generally suspicious of any new large government project.
From page 14...
... 14 DOT and Indiana DOT initiated an EIS in January 1999, which concluded with a Record of Decision (ROD) in December 2005 for a new alignment south of and parallel to the existing US-24 roadway.
From page 15...
... 15 Because this draft EIS met with significant public dissatisfaction, additional alternatives were identified and FHWA supplemented its 1991 draft EIS twice, releasing the first supplemental draft EIS in January 1996 and the second in July 1996. FHWA issued its final EIS in September 1997 and selected the preferred alternative in the ROD in November 1997.
From page 16...
... 16 the available data then tell only part of the story. Relying on those data to make fine-scale decisions would be challenging.

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